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Kaplan's method for WS


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Hi guys,


I took the Kaplan course and the way that my instructor taught the writing sample component for the third task is to restate the instruction, eg "what determines whether or not advancements in communication technology have reduced the quality of human interaction is blah blah...." and from there, basically restating the examples.


I feel that with this paragraph, i'm constant repeating the same words "communication technology has/has not reduced the quality. because...." to the point that it sounds super repetitive. I also noticed i use the prompt to start my second paragraph (eg. A situation in which advancements have not reduced the quality....". ) So overall, I'm repeating the prompt about 4 times in this short essay...


Is this the way you guys were taught? Any suggestions for this repetition problem?

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Interesting. I just asked one on my friends about this (he's a Kaplan instructor) and that's not how he said he teaches people to respond to the two tasks. Basically, he said that you should write about why both examples (for task one and two) could be acceptable. There were 4 criteria that he talked about (safety, and 3 others. I can't remember). You don't need to restate the prompt or restate the examples either. You just talk about what criteria you think determine whether you should follow the idea given by task 1 or the idea give given by task 2.


I hope that made sense.

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