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4th Round of applications – A few question for the veterans

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Dear forum readers,


My name is James. I’ve been waitlisted at Canadian schools for the last 3 years of applications (Queen’s and Western) and am in DIRE need of your help because I have decided to FULLY commit myself to applying in the US to increase my chances this year (3 years is a lot of time to waste when I know I want to be a doctor, I feel like I’m getting too old for this already).

I’ve been researching this forum for weeks on information about applying to the states, and I know that there are some veterans on this forum that have been accepted into American schools who seem to know a ton about the application process to the US (thanks for the spreadsheet idea for keeping track of applications token).


My stats are (AMCAS):

1st year 3.5

2nd year 3.3

3rd year 3.9

4th 4.0

cGPA 3.675

Graduate GPA – 4.0

MCAT: 15PS, 10VR, 12BS, R (37 R)


I have volunteer experience in hospitals for 2 years, a couple other community volunteer experiences, 2 years volunteering research in pediatric neurology research lab, 1 year working on a project involving cancer related checkpoint proteins in a biochemistry lab, 1 year working with a Canada Research Chair in cardiovascular disease (the project was incomplete because the PI passed away from pancreatic cancer so I had to find a new PI) and 1.5 years finishing my MSc thesis with a dif PI and am now preparing to submit a paper to journal of molecular and cellular cardiology in a couple weeks. I’ve attended a couple conferences, and have done a presentation. I’ve also done 2 years of varsity level fencing, and have been playing intramural basketball and have attended 5 different tournaments since starting to play (won 1st place in one).


I REALLY need help this round, this is the last year I’m planning to apply. I was wondering, how do people usually write their work experience descriptions, in point form or like short mini-stories? I read that this part is read very quickly by admissions so I don’t know whether to just keep it short and hit the highlights/accomplishments or try to write a mini-story out of it to make it meaningful… Also, what kinds of schools are realistic since my cGPA is not very competitive, does it matter that it got higher in my later years? (I’ve also posted my stat’s on the what are my chances thread). My current impression is to try the mid-tier schools. Finally, I was wondering if any of the veterans here could possibly take a quick scan of my essay when I’m done writing it? I feel like it’s incredibly dull, and have no idea how to spruce it up or make it more interesting. I’m really sick of re-applying every year and need to get in this year, any other help would be greatly appreciated…


Thanks for your time guys,



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Hey hmm, UVICK,


I think the years of applying in Canadian schools have worn me out, I try to hope for the best and expect the worst. I still think I need to get better at writing my essays though. Although I feel like I've developed some important pointers on interviews for anyone who needs any tips.

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People have used different styles for the works/activities section, but the general consensus is point form. There's a good thread here


It really looks like you have a top notch application all around except for your GPA...American schools do care about your grade trend however and will be very impressed with the turn around. Clinical experience and research looks great and the commitment to athletics is also highly valued at some schools.


The only thing that could doom your chances is not applying EARLY and/or having a boring personal statement.


American interviews are very different from Canadian ones. All of my interviews were one-on-one with a faculty member or student not too different from a typical job interview. You can't really prep for them.

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What if I use a mix of point/form and short paragraphs? If I use point-form first for some of the highlights then add in a short blurb do you think that's overdoing it. I want to make it as easy as possible for the admissions without sacrificing good content. I'm planning to scrap most of my old essay for UofT because I think it's too boring. Justletmein, I'm working on the applications right now (wish I had started earlier though so I could submit immediately), and will be for the rest of the week and next week non-stop (except eating and sleeping). I hope to submit near the end of next week then to work on secondaries immediately as they come in. BTW token, congrats on going to Vanderbilt, that's amazing. Would love to be in your place :P .

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Hey Alastriss,


I just noticed you're going to be part of the grad year of 2013 at Western. I interviewed there this past year too, I wonder if I might have seen you there. I think my interview date was the last interview date? Sunday, March 29th I think. I also know another person going into the class of 2013.


I do have another question though, I am a bit divided now because someone posted on one of the old links that they wrote a short description and felt very strongly that this was helpful for their application. Can you comment on this?


I'll be working on it as much as possible throughout the week, I'm planning to have some of the students from SDN take a look at it and want to get it checked by the writing centre at Queen's then I'll submit (aiming for Friday next week). I will work on secondaries immediately upon receiving them and try to get each fired off within 3-4 days of receiving them. I think by the 2nd/3rd week of July I should realistically be done about 2/3 of the applications.


I'm thinking of applying to (it's going to be a lot of work..):





Mt. Sinai



High-mid hopefuls:






Case Western


St. Louis U




Rosalind Franklin

Wayne State

SUNY Upstate





How does the list look, too many schools?

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