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Accepted with....

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lol... my stats weren't that stellar, considering we share virtually the same score! My MCAT was 33R (12 PS / 8 VR / 13 BS) and I had a 3.8 GPA. I applied to about 10 schools and was surprised at the outcome myself (love from Case and G-town, no love from Rosalind Franklin or SUNY). I think the difference came from my secondary essays, as I put a lot of extra thought and work into them.


While the schools were great, they weren't enough to dissuade me from sticking with Canada. I probably would have jumped ship for something like Harvard or Hopkins, but I didn't apply (no chance with my stats!). So, there's hope for those with unbalanced scores, in Canada or the US!

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lol... my stats weren't that stellar, considering we share virtually the same score! My MCAT was 33R (12 PS / 8 VR / 13 BS) and I had a 3.8 GPA. I applied to about 10 schools and was surprised at the outcome myself (love from Case and G-town, no love from Rosalind Franklin or SUNY). I think the difference came from my secondary essays, as I put a lot of extra thought and work into them.


While the schools were great, they weren't enough to dissuade me from sticking with Canada. I probably would have jumped ship for something like Harvard or Hopkins, but I didn't apply (no chance with my stats!). So, there's hope for those with unbalanced scores, in Canada or the US!

what sort of canadian school you got into with that gpa and mcat? Mcmaster or Ottawa? QUeens, UWO is out of the question. UofT seems iffy too. let us know.

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Well, my 3.8 GPA is the AMCAS cumulative calculation. I actually have a very strong upward trend for my third/fourth years, hovering at 4.0. So that's a factor.


For some ECs, I've done sports coaching for young kids, I've worked with disabled kids and I've organized fundraisers and food drives. I also have some research experience with a couple submitted abstracts. For clinical ECs, I did some shadowing and volunteering in rural areas, which I think helped my case come interview time.

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Then I reckon I should have a decent shot (I Hope!). But the 8 really screws you left right and centre in Canada.


UofT MAY be an option....they want 9 minimum but say they will consider lower if rest of the app is exceptional...


I think the lowest they go is 7....according to their past stats...

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Was interviewed at UT but was rejected.:(:mad:


Unfortunately Dal has this for non-maritimers:

"Non-Maritime applicants must achieve a minimum total MCAT score of 30 with a minimum score of 10 in each category. One minimum score of 9 is allowed as long as the minimum total score is 30. "

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