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Which US schools to apply to?

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Hey guys,


My stats are:

GPA - Year 1 - 3.74, year 2 - 4.0, Year 3 - 4.0 (cGPA - 3.9... but huge upwards trend --- didn't try much first year)... not sure of my science/non-science GPA, but I take mostly science courses, and actually do better in them

MCAT - 13 BS, 13 PS, 10 VR, S (36S)


Research - 1 summer at Baycrest Hospital (NSERC Research Scholarship) theory of mind + memory research, also spent about a month this summer in my thesis prof's Neuroimmunoloyg lab (and will be doing a thesis next year)


Volunteer - a couple months per summer at hospital on weekends, coached high school girls softball team a couple times, did CARD (assisting disabled kids with horseback riding), started up a charity with friends that gets leftover food from banquet halls to people in need

... overall very average EC's (maybe below average?), did nothing overseas or anything big... play some sports in my free time, not really in any clubs or the like... should have good references... a couple summer jobs a few years ago...


Anyways, I'm apply to Canadian schools for the first time this year... I also wanted to throw in a couple of American schools... how high can I aim? Not too high? Which are some good ones where I'd have a decent chance, that take Canadians, don't require English (although would they offer a conditional acceptance and let you take it the summer before?... if so, then it's fine), and wouldn't mind that I dropped a course second year (but then took it in the summer)... maybe 3 schools max...


Any thoughts or some possibilities?...


Thanks guys


ps. how early should you apply to US schools?

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