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washington in stL

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Depends. Do you have mad research experience? Publications up the wazoo in mid-to-high impact journals?


Otherwise, your stats are *okay*, considering the average MCAT at Washington is around 39. Your PS is also a little on the low side for their average applicant. While many schools focus on the entire candidate, Washington especially is known for their focus on the numbers.


You can always try, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you have a research ace up your sleeve.

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Haha, no I'm a very represented non-minority --- white male :D

Nope, I don't have any huge publications or anything like that... I am doing some research at a well-known memory/agine hospital (Baycrest) this summer on an NSERC scholarship, on theory of mind as well as the hippocampus... but I doubt it will end with a publication (at least not by the time I apply)... I have also helped out in my thesis prof's neuroimmunology lab, but not much, just for a month or so


So waste of time to apply to Wash in St Louis? Is there any where else it's essentially a waste to apply in the US from Canada (ie. which other top schools would I have very low chances at?)



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The average MCAT is NOT 39. At least last time I checked but someone should confirm this. If I am not mistaken, the median was 13 11 13 and gpa was 3.9 for accepted applicants.


I think you should go ahead and apply. Why not. Another 70 or 80 bucks on top of what you will be spending is closer to moot than significant.


median mcat was 38 last year - from the MSAR

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The average MCAT is NOT 39. At least last time I checked but someone should confirm this. If I am not mistaken, the median was 13 11 13 and gpa was 3.9 for accepted applicants.


I think you should go ahead and apply. Why not. Another 70 or 80 bucks on top of what you will be spending is closer to moot than significant.

I'd normally say why not, but WashU is not Harvard, Stanford, Hopkins etc. which the OP probably has a great shot at simply because they value the overall package more. If you're just looking for another school to add and you're not attached to WashU, the money would probably be better spent on another top tier school. But if you are interested in it go ahead I agree it's not that much money in the long run.


WashU seems to very rarely take ORMs with <36 scores no matter how impressive their CVs. It's a very strange place.

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Thanks guys, yea I doubt I'll bother applying to WashU... but should I bother applying to a few of the the other top ones (ie. Harvard, Stanford, Hopkins, Yale, etc)?... which do you guys think I'd have a legit shot at from Canada with those stats?

thanks for the help

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Thanks guys, yea I doubt I'll bother applying to WashU... but should I bother applying to a few of the the other top ones (ie. Harvard, Stanford, Hopkins, Yale, etc)?... which do you guys think I'd have a legit shot at from Canada with those stats?

thanks for the help

WashU is really the only school I wouldn't recommend...any other American school is okay including the ones you mentioned....it's really tough to tell what they're looking for so I say go ahead.

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