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Where to do undergrad (Canada or the US)

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I'm a Canadian high school student and I have a good chance at admission to some decent colleges in America for my undergrad (Vanderbilt, Cornell, Columbia, etc). I can pretty much get into any program I want in Canada. I want to become a doctor and I have two options. One is to leave for the US and the other is the famous MacMaster Health Sciences program, which pretty much ensures my admission to med school in Canada. I have confidence in my abilities.


I was wondering what you recommend. Will I have a chance at admission to a fine US med school from MacMaster University? Because despite the specific program's reputation in Canada, MacMaster U is not a well-known school world-wide. My other option (which is more appropriate for US med school apps) is McGill, but that would be a huge risk since I can pretty much ensure my acceptance to Canadian med schools from MacMaster's.


Thanks for your time

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...is the famous MacMaster Health Sciences program, which pretty much ensures my admission to med school in Canada. I have confidence in my abilities.


LOL ... i think u have that last part of the information wrong... theres no undergraduate program that "GUARANTEES" your admission to med school.

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A high portion of Health Sciences class gets into med school but it does not guarantee anything.


The chances of getting in would be high though. So if you get accepted into health sciences, it would be the most economical option.


But then you would be missing out on the fame of the Cornell/Columbia etc...


Having done an undergrad at these unis will always stay with you, in case you decide not to pursue medicine afterwards.

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Will I have a chance at admission to a fine US med school from MacMaster University?


Thanks for your time


MacMaster, no they would tell you it doesn't exist. But then you could go to the school website and forward it to them and they would say "OHHH, you meant McMaster." Then maybe. lol

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To follow on from Alastriss, you will either have a traditional interview or MMI if you are fortunate enough to be selected for an interview by one or more med schools, and the brightest of the bright often bomb at the interview stage and all their brilliance (and any arrogance they may have had) turns to humility, making them better applicants for the future as they work on figuring out what went wrong. I will let you in on an open secret to us pre-meds and those who have already been accepted into med school - it is one big lottery where luck plays a critical factor as to if, when and whether you will be selected and offered a seat to med school. He who knows that "MacMaster" - a med school that does not (yet) exist - will accept him surely must now have considerable humility and get off his high horse about absolutely knowing that he/she (you sound like a 'he') will get into med school.

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To follow on from Alastriss, you will either have a traditional interview or MMI if you are fortunate enough to be selected for an interview by one or more med schools, and the brightest of the bright often bomb at the interview stage and all their brilliance (and any arrogancve they may have had) turns to humility, making them better applicants for the future as they work on figuring out what went wrong. I will let you in on an open secret to us pre-me3ds and those who have already been accepted into med school - it isd one big lottery where luck plays a critical factor as to if, when and whether you will be selected andoffered a seat to med school. He who knows that "MacMaster" - a med school that does not (yet) exist - will accept him surely must now have considerable humility and get off his high horse about absolutely knowing that he/she (you sound like a 'he') will get into med school.


oh interviews...how I hated you.


I had both MMI and traditional interviews, and I know many top students with top marks not make it through the interview. It really is a lottery.

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MacMaster, no they would tell you it doesn't exist. But then you could go to the school website and forward it to them and they would say "OHHH, you meant McMaster." Then maybe. lol


Lolllll. Maybe OP should learn how to spell the name of one's future university before even applying for a program that s/he thinks will get in w/o any doubt:rolleyes:

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While this thread is kind of ridiculous, I just want to clarify some of the rumours the OP may have heard about McGill.


It essentially is an American university that just happens to be in Canada. The programs are American style, the grading is American style, a huge chunk of the professors are American, a huge chunk of your classmates will be American, and the administration/faculty tend to collaborate more with American/international universities than Canadian ones. So what I've found amongst my friends is that you avoid the "otherness" that Canadians often have to overcome when applying to American law, medical and graduate schools.


However I do believe you can get into any American medical school from any Canadian university - it'd just take more effort. Ease of admission is no reason enough to choose a school...how can you know that 4 years from now that you'll even want to be a doctor, let alone where you want to practice?


Just choose wherever you'll have the most fun, meet great people, and stay focused.

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