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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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May all members enjoy their weekend.


Head games - counterproductive to our interests.


In absolutely everything, do your best;

you won't know ever without trying.

And never live with any regrets.


If you don't succeed at first

never give up, rather keep trying.


Life does not come with guarantees.


This is so especially true for

3rd year applicants to med school,

however, true for all people - always!

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Eternity is forever, nothing else is


Our experiences will make us stronger.

Perfection with humans is only a dream,

we are all flawed and improving!


Losing first - the pathway to winning!

Learning, being stronger comes through experience.

Who truthfully said life is easy?


Being young, there's lots of time,

life is about enjoying the journey.


Attaining the goal, brings other goals

as life does not stand still.


Like lifelong learning, we always move,

hopefully forward and upwards, not backwards.


Make a plan - stick to it.

But always be flexible and adaptable

to changing cirumstances. This is essential.


I don't have more 6 words.

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Indeed perfection is not so realistic,

But we still strive for the best.


Life isn’t easy, nor kind sometimes,

But maybe that’s the fun part.

Never know what the future holds


Flexibility and adaptability is so so important

Especially for a career in medicine

Yet it’s so so SO hard

Hopefully I’ll acquire those traits someday


not efficient today. grr grrr grrrr.

must finish four appeals by tomorrow.

start writing --> finish writing --> then editing

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