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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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im guessing you like small c's? :)


The self deceived is self deceived

When someone murders, his motivation - unimportant

The destructive results are murder, death

Freud examines motivation, the family mourns

I am neither Sigmund nor Jean Paul

Cannot withhold judgment for evil deeds

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Battle was fought long and hard


Win the battle, lose the war?


Think not but time will tell


We shall see, time tells all :)



it won't matter in the end


many residents just wont report anything


they've capped hours here as well


people still work, "under the table"


once they've gone over the cap


hands up for medical microbiology everybody ;)

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what does the second line infer,


besides meeting a numerical score cutoff ;)?


memorizing flowcharts doesn't indicate anything really


besides that someone can memorize flowcharts


motivation does matter, sometimes accidents happen


but that's a matter of perspective


after everything there are no answers


just perspectives, and attempts to normativize


I do understand that you mean ;)


I got to med school too. :D

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It infers nothing, just the facts.

I’m on the lowest ladder rung.


In life, we are always judged

by others, profs, adcoms, colleagues, patients

family, friends, lovers, acquaintances and strangers


What’s in a number, nothing, everything?

Who cares as we move forward

in life, personally and professionally too


Really I am a simple guy

Neither philosopher, psychoanalysist, a mere student

hoping to develop new skills and

to be of service to others

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everyone fails, you fail, i fail

most people don't fail very often

they succeed at quitting, soon enough

yet successful people fail most often


thats why you learned to crawl

before you ever learn to walk

so when you trip, fall down

you crawl, and get back up


the most successful among the successful,

however you define what success is

are beaten into transcending fear itself

watch out! these people get everything :)



i have to cite matt good's born losers on the crawl before you walk line ;)


afraid of failure, isn't a good

enough reason to give up prematurely.

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you should read sarte or kierkegard

they discuss different fears we have

the fear of having absolute freedom

or the fear of confronting our predeterminations (our lives, past, history)

so that we can create ourselves

a future we want, we desire

the paradox of choice remains constant


courage is knowing your different fears

that's what kierkegard would have said

knowing how they influenced your decisions

and taking responsibility for your freedom


sarte would say to follow yourself

that is the ultimate courageous act

to acknowledge your absolute free will


with enough courage, trials under fire

courage ceases to exist, fear stops

courage isn't unnecessary, without fear

but it takes alot of courage

to ever lose all your fear



p.s. i think you might have meant there's nothing to fear but fear itself, which goes into a lot of existential psychology that i wont go into :P


But without fear, no courage exists.

Know your fear, overcome your fear.

For there is nothing to fear,

But the fear to fear itself.


edit: the fear to fear it self,

does that even make logical sense?

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Cerena has a very ill cat.

Cerena's cat is her best friend.

J's condition is bad right now.

Worried and scared are Cerena's sentiments.

Hopefully, time'll be on our side.

We're trying to enjoy our summer :)

(J has been catching bugs outside!).

So my pm101 contributions are inconsistent.

But I'll be consistent soon enough.

Boring you all with my stories!



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