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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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We learn to cope with pressures

no matter how incredible they are

depression is temporary, hanging is forever

focus on the positive every time

things bounce back with insight/perspective

We always live with continuous uncertainty

There is light at tunnel's end

Be brave, stay the course always

We are here for mutual support

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Some people are so bitter lately..


I love lemonade;) especially when sweeted.


Bitterness - personal and situational unhappiness/disappointment.


Better be optimistic than the opposite.


Positive energy and attitude creates miracles.


Why ever be sorry for yourself?

Many others are in dire circumstances.

Befriend the friendless, do something nice

for another. Try forgeting about yourself.

Leave your shell to help others.

You shall feel so much better. :P

A better mood shall help yourself.


There are no problems - only solutions.


All solutions come from within yourself.

Others can help show the way.

However, decisions are in your hands.


Think positively, creatively - towards your goals.


Courage and bravery come from within.

Usually manifested when you helping others.


Strongest motivator is to help others.

Success only reinforces/inspires such behaviour.


Teamwork often requires protecting your mates.

This brings out your very best!


Haste makes waste. Thoughtfulness brings success.

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Good deeds are for selfish reasons.

Helping others makes us feel good.


There's alot of yellow brick roads

Not sure which one to walk...:confused:


Try some until you feel right. :)

Life is a journey of paths.

We encounter detours along the way.

You will find the best path.

There is a lot of time.

Exploration is necessary part of life!


Stay courageous. All will be fine.


Optimism and perspective keep you grounded.

One little step at a time.


Dignity and respect of others is

important in the giving of charity.

Give like it is not charity.

Do not advertise your good deeds.


Exercise and nutrition provide good health.


A sound body encourages a sound mind.


Fitness can help build your character.


Coordination of team effort is required.


Collaborative effort is required in society.


When reaching the point of exhaustion

never give up, but keep going

- see what you are made of


Help others so they may live.

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Wake me up when September ends.




Happy to be with my sis.

Laughing as much as we can. :)

Positive thinking is key right now.

Did the right thing coming here.


You are doing your job well,

Giving your sister the needed strength

with ripple effect for her b/f

this shows what love can accomplish! :)


You are such a good girl

Stay strong, love and enjoy her


Across far distances, we can communicate. :P


We serve so others may live.


Calling Cerena, where are you now

Keeping your sister calm is wonderful.

This is an act of love,

giving her strength and realistic hope.

Your calling is giving compassionate help,

others look to you for leadership

and you never fail them, rather

your support is there always despite

your own feelings you put aside.

You are meant t/b a physician!

This is part of your preparation.


Preparation and perseverance make a difference.

Focus and discipline are important too.

Opportunity and timing play a role.

We need to fight thru uncertainites,

and to stay the course always.

Who ever said life is easy?

Life challenges us all every day.

This forces us to grow, develop.

I wouldn't have it any differently.

Constantly overcomin' obstacles builds our character.

Adversity is the road to success,

giving us necessary compassion, empathy, understanding!


Why must we and others suffer?

This is not the proper question.

How can we reduce the suffering?

This is a more meaningful question.

We can always do our best,

this is a wonderful starting point.

Then we need understanding and training,

so that we may respond appropriately.

Building upon experience, we become stronger,

gaining in needed knowledge and skills

to try improving the human condition.

Helping one is improving the world

representing a positive, significant step forward

making the world a better place!


Character. education, good judgment have impact.


Cover-ups often worse than original crimes.


Search for justice - tremendously powerful motivator.

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Thanks, f_d, for your kind post.

I'm not doing anything great, really.

Trying to be positive for everyone.

And it seems to be working.

Laughter is the best medicine available.


You are so right about laughter! :)

Great things happen by being positive.

Counterproductive trying to do great things,

just being yourself, there - works best.


Ordinary people often perform extraordinary acts.

These may include acts of kindness.


Humble people never consider themselves heroes.


Cerena is humble, kind and compassionate.


Cerena is a wonderful role model.


Parasites = takers who refuse to contribute.


When the glove fits, you know.


Giving = generosity of heart and deed.

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Selfishness feels good. Selflessness feels better.


Try some until you feel right. :)

Life is a journey of paths.

We encounter detours along the way.

You will find the best path.

There is a lot of time.

Exploration is necessary part of life!


Words have such a powerful meaning

Thanks for sharing your kind words


Where did all the sunshine go?

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The sunshine is in our hearts! :P

Hope springs eternal - stay motivated always,

and especially in very difficult times.


Strong women are to be admired.


Are men comfortable with strong women?

If not, they are not strong.


Inner contentment and peace are essential.

Then, we are ready for another.


Balance required for personal/professional happiness.


If we don 't advocate for ourselves

then who in the world will?


Our best friend must be ourselves.


We must always be very strong.

Then, we can protect the world.


The strong must protect the weak.

They cannot always ask for help.

Appreciatioin is doing timely/good job.

It is selfish to be selfless.

There's nothing better than good deeds.

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