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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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I remember first year biology class.

That place was a war zone.

People rooting for others to fail,

What is this world coming to?


But this forum helped me see

That all medhopefuls are not heartless

After all, why become a doctor?

To help other people of course


What you say is so true

Insulting douchebags are t/b found everwhere:eek:

also people who are not nice

some of whom are right here.:(


However, let's try to be positive.

Beginning with you, I and others

of goodwill - being the silent majority!

Our presence needs to be felt

compassion for others, caring is contagious!:)


Those of us aiming for medicine

should seek to help one another,

indeed main purpose of this Forum!


We do not compete with others,

rather, we truly compete against ourselves

- to be the best we can

so as to achieve our drbe posiitveeams

and help others as a physician.

Be positive and help each other!:P


Doctors are meant to do good,

to prevent disease and to heal.

This Forum: good place for respect,

which includes self-respect, showing character!

Shame on others. Be an example.

We lead at the highest standards,

others can see and will follow.

Negativity says much about the source.

The mirror is a marvelous revealer.

And self-improvement is possible for all.

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Your poem was a beautiful one.

I saw the drama filled posts.

I hope you are okay f_d.

<3 :(

I'll be thinking of you, -torontohopeful.


As most attacked on this forum

for many years past and now,

I am well able to defend myself

with humour and also with purpose

always w/i the rules of decorum

Such posts should immediately be deleted.

Otherwise, then exercise right of reply.

Fair is fair and I reply :)

I know my way with words

have no fear about defending myself

Those who give - must also take.


My concern is for you friend,

be strong, enjoy life, the journey.

You will develop your many strategies.:P

You will be fine - I know! :)

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Cookies are super easy to bake,

Only takes a second to make

Separate the wet from the dry,

Super easy -- no need to sigh!

A hand mixer should do the work.

Make sure it doesn't go berserk!

Use a timer, set it well.

Otherwise you'll get cookies from HELL!


Didn't know -you're a real poet!

Every time, each line - does rhyme!

Cookies out of sight, let's bite.:P

Yummy cookies, we run to eat,

Run run run our little feet!:)

Cookie monster, our cookies, please make

For all our little tummies sake.:D

Is is that hard to bake?


As deadline approaches, it's more hectic.


Another miracle has just been created. :)

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Is it okay if I ask?


A caterpiller became a beautiful butterfly.


An applicant went from uncompetitive > competitive

by dramatically upgrading the original essay,

having been mentored how to succeed,

literally within hours of advice given.


Anybody would think an impossible task,

therefore, my statement about a miracle.


I have witnessed three such occurences

during the current application cycle - awesome!

Exciting, transforming, amazing for those involved,

its like watching babies first steps,

now they are ready to run!


Have I answered with enough clarity?

If not, I can always elaborate.

Woman of few words I am.

My posts really aren't that long,

they coild be much, much longer

even when restricted to six words.

Should the rules change to 7?


You know that anything is possible.

Miracles occur when we have hope!

Hope is what keeps us going,

to try to achieve our dreams.

Motivation too is so very important

as is inspiration, helping us along.

Okay, okay, I will stop now,

after all, at some point - enough!

So, I'll give it a rest,

but only for a little while.


You are a wonderful human being!


Yes, it's okay if you ask!

Is it okay if I ask?[/



Do you have any more questions?


If so, just ask away please.

I'll do my best to answer.


Stay strong. Stay motivated. Be happy.

Be the strongest you can be.

Take one day at a time.

Don't be in a big rush.

We are heading toward our fate,

our decisions definitely have an impact,neve

so does being positive, never negative.


Why do requests come after midnight?


Very Best Wishes To All Applicants!



Difference Between Conrad Murray and Black?

Black = convicted felon now in jail :eek:


Murray = potential felon, possibility of jail


Lack of character? You examine facts!


For both men, conflict of interest.


If you play, you must pay!

There are no shortcuts in life.

Even a Medical Dean gets caught! :P


Integrity always wins in the end.

Integrity = you never have to worry.

Dishonesty/greed will bring you down. :D

Be careful what you wish for,

you'll get more than you expect

and won't be a happy camper.

Stupidity of each was their downfall,

including arrogance and laxk of ethics.

Believing they wouldn't get caught - Amazing!

Bigger they are, harder they fall.

Nobody believes it'll happen to them.

When you take, expect to pay.

Instructive life lessons for us all.

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Are you annoyed, at this hour?


Some of us, live in BC.


So the hour, is not late.


My clients are from across Canada.:P

As duty officer, I must remain.

I'll find many PMs upon rising. :)

The rush will end very soon.

Then U/C, U/A, McGill and Laval.

Soon enuf, interview prep will come.

Seems like it will never end.

Med school thrown in the mix.

It's all for a good cause.


Highly frustrating are the no shows.

Those comin', but they just disappered.

And they can use more help.

Unfortunately, I make it my problem.:eek:


Time for sleep quite soon now.


Woke finding many essays to edit.

Seems many are over 1000 words,

so I do chop/chop well.;)

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A caterpiller became a beautiful butterfly.


An applicant went from uncompetitive > competitive

by dramatically upgrading the original essay,

having been mentored how to succeed,

literally within hours of advice given.


Anybody would think an impossible task,

therefore, my statement about a miracle.


I have witnessed three such occurences

during the current application cycle - awesome!

Exciting, transforming, amazing for those involved,

its like watching babies first steps,

now they are ready to run!


Have I answered with enough clarity?

If not, I can always elaborate. :D

Woman of few words I am.

My posts really aren't that long,

they coild be much, much longer

even when restricted to six words.

Should the rules change to 7?


You know that anything is possible.

Miracles occur when we have hope!

Hope is what keeps us going,

to try to achieve our dreams.

Motivation too is so very important

as is inspiration, helping us along.

Okay, okay, I will stop now,

after all, at some point - enough!

So, I'll give it a rest,

but only for a little while.


You are a wonderful human being!


I'm sorry for the late response,

I've been preoccupied as of late.

I just wanted you to know,

f_d I think the world of. :)

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