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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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I'm sorry for the late response,

I've been preoccupied as of late.

I just wanted you to know,

f_d I think the world of.


torontohopeful you are so very sweet. :)


I hate this last minute business.


What about me in that case? :eek:


I just now completed the read.;)


Received/edited last essay this afternoon.


U/C material has began to arrive.


Amanda Knox has just been freed!

Justice has finally prevailed in Italy.


Good deeds = main purpse of life.

(Try it. You will like it.)



The truth will set you free. :)

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Shouldn't have been incarcerated at all!


True:( but better late than never.:)


Miscarriage of justice = often the norm. :eek:


Amanda should be leaving Italy tomorrow.:)

I hope she has a passport.

If not, US authorities will issue.


Perhaps soon, book deal and movie.

Wealth won't compensate for jail time.

What she experienced really is uncertainty.

She had hope and justice prevailed.


Freedom = best time of your life.

Only when lost, we value freedom.

It is taken for granted here.


The norm: contributing to another's success.


We should all aspire to this.

The real purpose of this Forum!


Let's help each other out often.

We are all future lifetime colleagues.

It all begins collaborating right here.


I do it for selfish reasons.

It feels really good - try it.


mm88/I busy with Impact Statements.


Anybody care to join us now?


Your assistance would be most welcome!

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as is leaving your comfort zone;)


justice done - real story not told


Things don't happen the way we want.

Everything happens in its own time.

All we can do is try!

Trying our best means no regrets.

Necessary to lose first to win.

It's all about enjoying the journey. :)


miss_q, I'm about ready to start!



Prohibition does not stop our addictions.



Tesla has decided to go MIA. :confused:

Jessica Rabbit has also just disappeared.

People come and go - always return.

I disappear from time to time.

Everybody needs a break to recharge.

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You are on the right track.

Slowly but surely gets you there.


Steve Jobs Has Changed The World!

Like Einstein, his memory remains forever.

His ripple effect will always endure.


He lived as he wanted to.

And he was a college dropout.


He made technology cool and fun.


Instinct is our very best asset.


Tesla, are you going to play?

I know you watch as guest!

I can see you from here.


Let's try to change the world

helping one person at a time.

Like me you will like it.

Nothing better than doing good deeds

and expecting absolutely nothing in return.

Being anonymous is even better still.


Time to rise.:) Take your shower.:P


Being role model has ripple effect,

thereby multiplying your impact on others.


Grab the moment - no regrets ever!


Provide help to those in need.

Spread a sense of good-will here.


McGill season should be heating up.


Yes, it is fun to play.

Amazing how very busy you are.


As I am very busy now,

Tesla will keep a watchful eye.

A newbie looking after newer newbie.

Go to her if help needed!

Tesla, Tesla - come out to play!

All work will make you dull.


Tesla is going to come back!


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Things happen in their own time. :D

We sleep. We wake. We rise.

Nothing in life can be rushed. ;)

Tesla's appearance: timing of her choice. :confused:

Even applications have their own schedule. :)


Let's be positive all the time.


Mirror, mirror, on the great wall,

upon whom misfortune will it fall?


Me? I wish to be ready.

And will try to be merry,

This way, it won't be scary.


Au contraire and to be fair

before we meet, tell me where.

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We are rather bold doing it!


Cerena is bold - so am I!

Both our signatures will prove it.


Intelligent professionals overlook the simple things.


Play with fire, burn your fingers.


Don't start what you cannot finish.


Your words = evidence of lacking character! :mad:


^^^ Know whom I am referring to?


We can have a guessing competiton! :P


Six words, enter user name below.


Winner will not receive any confirmation.


We need only good guys here!



If the pants fit, wear them.


Why big boy do you attack?


;) Nobody has entered guessing competition yet!


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