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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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Do not wait. Go for it.


If you live by the sword,

eventually, it will strike you down.


Relentless tenacity, inspiration, self-motivation, focus works.


I am happy and not stressed.


Why be stressed? Mind over matter.


Try your best. Persistence wins out. :)


Collaboration not competition = key to success!


Believe in yourself. Have the skill-set.

Be positive with strong work ethic.

You'll accomplish miracles, achieving your goals.

Proceed one step at a time.


Hit the ground running - you'll succeed! :)


Take a chance. Go for it! :P


In Spain, 45% of youth unemeployed.

They call themsevles the lost generation.

The crisis is also in Greece.

Italy too is experiencing economic difficuolties.

Canadians don't realize our good fortune.


We need perspective for our problems.

Our reality = our perception. Stay positive. :)


Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


Chill today. Relax. Come back refreshed.

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Receive opportunity? :P Take it and run!


Prep for MMI = Your Life Experience! :P


Overprep is not a good thing.


The MMI is a fun experience. :)


Sight, sound, scent, touch - which one?


Make your dream become a reality

by perrsistence, discipline and always trying. :)


UBC interviewees are on Cloud 9! :


May The Force Be With You!


We work hard to achieve success.


Being lazy = not even medicore success.

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exactly, that's just my person view

and my personal views aren't absolute

they're probabilistic! (probabilistic-subjectivity)? does "my" exist?

it's turtles all the way down

so why should i even bother

you might as well have fun

quit trying to figure everything out

and play volleyball in the sun


Haha. Well, then succces is relative.

Beauty is in eye of beholder. :P

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exactly, that's just my person view

and my personal views aren't absolute

they're probabilistic! (probabilistic-subjectivity)? does "my" exist?

it's turtles all the way down

so why should i even bother

you might as well have fun

quit trying to figure everything out

and play volleyball in the sun


Try to figure out everything - NO.

But to move ahead in life,

YES that's what we all do! =

Play volleyball in the sun - cool.

Laziness is fine to re-energize ourselves,

but never a way of life.

Goals, achievements are part of life

for most of us they’re required.

Perhaps in another life and time,

hedonistic approach might work for some

provided they do have unlimited resources.

For normal mortals in real world

professional achievements pay our rent while

keeping us happy and not idle!

Fun = part of life, not everything.


Tesla Studying Hard - Eventually Will Re-appear!



Tesla is having her birthday today! :P

Happy Birthday girl - enjoy your day. :)

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depends on your cost of living

and what is hedonistic to you

hedonistic living isn't equated to lavish


hedonistic approach might work for some

provided they do have unlimited resources.

For normal mortals in real world

professional achievements pay our rent while

keeping us happy and not idle!

Fun = part of life, not everything.

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oh you're right, apathy for me

means that philosophical inquiry gets old

eventually you realize there're no answers


you have to find your answers

and apply those to everyday life


i am a paradox to myself

i seek traditional hedonistic simple pleasures

i'm also extremely cerebral and abstract


i kill myself to make change

anything but the best isn't enough

i don't even want any acknowledgement

i just want to see change


contrarily, i like the simple pleasures

coffee, sunlight, sports, rain, companionship, sex


it's hard to balance these two

seemingly mutually exclusive approaches to life


but if berlusconi can do it

i guess it is possible, right?


all i can do is try

and keep getting up and pushing

i've been finding the balance lately


like you and i would agree

dedication and hard work to achieve

is the only proven, consistent philosophy

whatever the nature of the achievement

even is that's amalgamating the antithetical


Fair enuf, you raise valid point.

To me, there m/b societal purpose,

to each their own I guess

so long as no harm done.

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if you're not careful, the newspapers

will have you hating the oppressed

and loving the people who oppress

it's like a societal stockholm syndrome

but how do we all unite?

when were all so separated, individualized

and how do we take risk?

when we have much to lose

im willing, i've been ****ed with

over and over and over again

im willing to lose it all

and so are few i know

the question is, is anyone else?


Consumers - organized - have lots of power.

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Each of us, paradox no doubt.

Room for hedonism and also cerebral.

Life is very much - balancing act

where measuring time in both camps

we achieve a comfortable happy medium.

And achieve success personally and professionally.

Life is very complex and simple. :P

It's what we make of it.


oh you're right, apathy for me

means that philosophical inquiry gets old

eventually you realize there're no answers


you have to find your answers

and apply those to everyday life


i am a paradox to myself

i seek traditional hedonistic simple pleasures

i'm also extremely cerebral and abstract


i kill myself to make change

anything but the best isn't enough

i don't even want any acknowledgement

i just want to see change


contrarily, i like the simple pleasures

coffee, sunlight, sports, rain, companionship, sex


it's hard to balance these two

seemingly mutually exclusive approaches to life


but if berlusconi can do it

i guess it is possible, right?


all i can do is try

and keep getting up and pushing

i've been finding the balance lately


like you and i would agree

dedication and hard work to achieve

is the only proven, consistent philosophy

whatever the nature of the achievement

even is that's amalgamating the antithetical

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you're right, it's a balancing act

one i have great difficulty with

i have an inability to organize

time, priorities, what's important now

in the past, all or nothing

was my primary modus operandi

if you can't be organized, efficient

you tend to hyperfocus, go hard

the only way i could finnish


thank god for getting add treatment

and a doctor that has add

who approaches psychiatry malleably, philosophically, critically

where there is a mutual exchange

instead of traditional paternalistic health care

often i educate her, it's nice

she doesn't take offence, feel threatened

her modus operandi, is helping patients

no matter what paradigm is necessary

they're all valid, in different circumstances

psychiatry's primary failure, when serving patients

is the complete lack of realization

that a patient isn't a checklist

believing that you are the expert

the patient is the only expert

they live their life every day

a stretch, from your time shared

an hour a month, well seriously

how can you even be there?

only they can know their mind

you can help guide them through

but only they can mend it

your expertise comes from an openness

to catering to the patients goals

to be willing to be eclectic

admit you don't have their answers

but that you can help them

in finding answers, solutions for themselves

because no one can be helped

if not motivated to help themselves

sure, drug them, it's simple, easy

but that happiness is always fleeting

sure, changing consciousness can be useful

only if you use the opportunity

to make a change that's permanent

instead of another expensive, bandaid solution


i spend half my appointment lengths

practicing therapy on the therapist, herself

still, i wouldn't see anyone else

who else would talk about philosophy

it's sort of a mirror image

of how i would have been

if i ended up in psychiatry

most docs would question the ethics

but most patients wont sit around

because their psychiatrist, runs hours late

unless they'd run into someone rare

who is more of a friend

albeit a very honest, straightforward one

this is what psychiatry is missing

with all it's cries for objectivity

they're just ways to classify, objectively

to suggest frcp© equals practicing skillfully

to be good, you must embrace

nebulosity, the mystery, and multiple possibilities

sadly, these types are quite rare

they require a low cognitive rigidity

something medical schools beat into you

how many times have you heard

oh, i hate patient centred care

it's all so fluffy, lacks objectivity

sadly enough, many of these people

will end up going into psychiatry

10 minute sessions will remain the norm

psychiatrists will continue to wear white coats

symbolic of constructivist claims to authority

when often, you'd be better off

entrusting mental problems, to your priest

or to joe across the street

you never know what to expect

from practitioners of psychiatry or psychology

you can't learn from a book

only openness, humility, and repeated experience

will make you effective at therapy

and how can you master psychopharmacology

if you haven't experienced it phenomenologically

it's silly if you ask me

don't tell someone what they feel

because you read it in text

if you actually tried an ssri

you'd realize people do react idiosyncratically

but of course this questions objectivity

and if professions lose their objectivity

how will their "expertise" command money


i say let the market decide

many studies show, skill and education

have no correlation, in practising psychotherapy

either make clinical psychology public, free

or open the market to competition

maybe there'd be less patient derision

you couldn't hide behind your degree

for people to assume your expertise

you'd have to prove your worth

by doing psychotherapy, but only effectively

and psychopharmacology, give psychologists a chance

in two states and the army

prescribing privileges have been the norm

for almost an eternity, and still

there have been not one fatality

furthermore, not even an adverse event

it's a turf war at best

this isn't about patients getting better

it's about that old financial interest

in time, well come to see

i have a slight feeling, though

that in future times of austerity

it wont matter what anyone thinks

psychologists will simply be effective, fiscally

for any government looking for re-election

it's necessary to cut discretionary spending

and if citizens notice no difference

greater access to care, lower taxes

then the government come out winners

patients and the psychology lobby too

and because of increase in prescribers

pharma will jump on the wagon

when their lobby goes into action

you tend to see immediate reaction


on an aside, results don't vary

this doctor, is success most hippocratic

she'll try anything that is effective

because she lives what she treats

everyday, she actually, honestly gets it


in the end, results are simple

it makes time management much easier

that elusive balance now ever present


Each of us, paradox no doubt.

Room for hedonism and also cerebral.

Life is very much - balancing act

where measuring time in both camps

we achieve a comfortable happy medium.

And achieve success personally and professionally.

Life is very complex and simple. :P

It's what we make of it.

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Openness, humility, experience, you got it

hitting the nail on the head.

Unfortunately hit/miss - not always found.

Indeed, patient is not a checklist

or on conveyor belt for billing

but human with problems requiring treatment,

and respect to be listened to

not paternalism that does still exist.

Our generation shall make a difference

for the better with our patients

due to our training and attitude.

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you're right, it's a balancing act

one i have great difficulty with

i have an inability to organize

time, priorities, what's important now

in the past, all or nothing

was my primary modus operandi

if you can't be organize, efficient

you tend to hyperfocus, go hard

the only way i could finnish


thank god for getting add treatment

and a doctor that has add

who approaches psychiatry malleably, philosophically, critically

where there is a mutual exchange

instead of traditional paternalistic health care

often i educate her, it's nice

she doesn't take offence, feel threatened

her modus operandi, is helping patients

no matter what paradigm is necessary

they're all valid, in different circumstances

psychiatry's primary failure, when serving patients

is the complete lack of realization

that a patient isn't a checklist

and that you are the expert

the patient is the only expert

only they know what's in their mind

your expertise comes from an openness

to catering to the patients goals

to be willing to be eclectic

i spend half my appointment lengths

practicing therapy on the therapist, herself

still, i wouldn't see anyone else

who else would talk about philosophy

it's sort of a mirror image

of how i would have been

if i ended up in psychiatry

most docs would question the ethics

but most patients wont sit around

because their psychiatrist, runs hours late

unless they'd run into someone rare

who is more of a friend

albeit a very honest, straightforward one

this is what psychiatry is missing

with all it's cries for objectivity

they're just ways to classify, objectively

to suggest frcp© equals practicing skillfully

to be good, you must embrace

nebulosity, the mystery, and multiple possibilities

sadly, these types are quite rare

they require a low cognitive rigidity

something medical schools beat into you

how many times have you heard

oh, i hate patient centred care

it's all so fluffy, lacks objectivity

sadly enough, many of these people

will end up going into psychiatry

10 minute sessions will remain the norm

psychiatrists will continue to wear white coats

symbolic of constructivist claims to authority

when often, you'd be better off

entrusting mental problems, to your priest

or to joe across the street

you never know what to expect

from practitioners of psychiatry or psychology

you can't learn from a book

only openness, humility, and repeated experience

will make you effective at therapy

and how can you master psychopharmacology

if you haven't experienced it phenomenologically

it's silly if you ask me

don't tell someone what they feel

because you read it in text

if you actually tried an ssri

you'd realize people do react idiosyncratically

but of course this questions objectivity

and if professions lose their objectivity

how will their "expertise" command money

i say let the market decide

many studies show, skill and education

have no correlation, in practising psychotherapy

either make clinical psychology public, free

or open the market to competition

maybe there'd be less patient derision

you couldn't hide behind your degree

for people to assume your expertise

you'd have to prove your worth

by doing psychotherapy, but only effectively

and psychopharmacology, give psychologists a chance

in two states and the army

prescribing privileges have been the norm

for almost an eternity, and still

there have been not one fatality

furthermore, not even an adverse event

it's a turf war at best

this isn't about patients getting better

it's about that old financial interest

in time, well come to see

i have a slight feeling, though

that in future times of austerity

it wont matter what anyone thinks

psychologists will simply be effective, fiscally

for any government looking for re-election

it's necessary to cut discretionary spending

and if citizens notice no difference

greater access to care, lower taxes

then the government come out winners

patients and the psychology lobby too

and because of increase in prescribers

pharma will jump on the wagon too


on an aside, results don't vary

this doctor, is success most hippocratic

she'll try anything that is effective

because she lives what she treats

everyday, she actually, honestly gets it


in the end, results are simple

it makes time management much easier

that elusive balance now ever present

Each of us, paradox no doubt.

Room for hedonism and also cerebral.

Life is very much - balancing act

where measuring time in both camps

we achieve a comfortable happy medium.

And achieve success personally and professionally.

Life is very complex and simple. :P

It's what we make of it.

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wow, this is really fun, actually

i have a new respect for rappers

they come from the underclass ghetos

so we treat their art indignantly

maybe we should stop evaluating them

through our schematic lens of reality

hypothetically, if i developed around dysfunctionality

crime, theft, drugs, abuse and robbery

my lyrics would change so profoundly

*****es, hoes, cash, hustlin and crack

would be as normal to me

as reductio ad absurdum is, philosophically

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Snowing now. :eek: Why not when skiing? :P


Reorganize your priorities. Become much stronger.


Our weather creates character and strength.


We are a nation of immigrants!

We work hard toward our goals.


Time to buckle down for finals. :eek:


Santa Claus is comin' to town!


Who buys their Christmas gifts early? :D


Black Friday Sales Are Starting Today.


Cat attending vet school avoids cats.

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