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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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the easiest way to earn money

is to move it around, constantly

trading, shorting, microsecond currency exchange

but none of this contributes wealth

that is in any way concrete

only 3 percent of cash's paper

and all the rest of it

it's just information, on some server


the information age, has heralded change

you use to make it big

by building cars, towers or airplanes

now it's just a mathematical game

and we have no one really

perhaps our own greed to blame


the desire for riches, instant fame

currency manipulation, fast track the game


but now that there's no production

because of an era of corruption

i foresee future cataclysmic obstruction, destruction


china's moving to the canadian dollar

as the us currency becomes smaller


in value of course, not volume

at this rate, i expect inflation

to destroy a nation, forget sublimation


i'd buy gold, or **** it

go buy silver, at 32 dollars

bet it'll deliver, u'll be richer

16:1 ratio, has been the tradition


the price of gold to silver

is what i am referring to

don't want to make that omission

i'll have rewrite this with revision


the price ratio's around 50:1 now

so you can do the math

the strategies straightforward, it's quite simple

the more money the americans print

the less it will be worth

so people will turn to currency

that can't be produced with ease

this prevents against dilution, systemic devaluation

of fiat currency, valued only psychologically


so if you have been keen

you'll notice silver has been overlooked

perhaps adding silver, in any way

to your portfolio, will cause growth

that is so immense and intense

that your face will just glow


Not enuf people earn that money.


everywhere: atrocities and human rights violations

it's just on the evening news

it's a culture of flagrant intimidation

here it's much more subliminal, minimal

you're free to speak your mind

as long as you're not controversial

were allowed to make some change

as long as we follow convention


i find that im often angered

at how surreptitious and insidious

and highly pernicious, our oppression is

that no one even notices it

no one wants to fix it

because it's not open and explicit


but hey, that's ok, why complain?

you can't challenge corporatocracy, plutocracy

at least about anything taken seriously


but at least im partially free

i can talk about gay marriage

and i can do so openly

as long as it's kept trite

i have no need to fear

because social issues are a distraction

to elicit a reaction and fragment

when we'd be solid as cement


in the end, i don't care

can't help the ignorant apathetic

unfortunately though, it's just a pandemic

too overwhelming for a single medic


so if you can't beat them

how does that old saying go

that's right, join them, why bother

trying to convince people they're oppressed

when maybe they are just happy

living quietly, in a straight jacket

ignorance is bliss, an apparent contradiction

and information can lead to depression

or maybe perhaps, a deeper appreciation

all of this knowledge is useful

if no one wants to hear

that's ok, no more guilt

let them have it their way

i will happily switch sides

to the people who ultimately decide

what you believe in, your life

how can i hold myself hostage

feel guilty for what i know

i can get behind the projector

and join all of the directors

they make a really good pitch

join us, and u'll be rich

and look at the people below

they are enjoying the fake entertainment

so ignorance, gnosis, both potentiate bliss

it's you, who interprets what's happiness


Syria = atrocities and human rights violations.


my god, i quite love this

it is like a relentless addiction

quick doc, is there a prescription

to help relieve this writing itch

i'm afraid if i try alone

i may convulse, seize, and twitch


maybe i should be a poet

but then again, even jack kerouac

probably made crap, on the road

it was critically acclaimed, yet unfortunately

critical acclaim doesn't guarantee anything monetarily


so while fame is a potentiality

one can't expect art to guarantee

that you can sustain yourself financially


it's such a shame to me

i love elegant writing, it's extraordinary

how someone can convey their ideas

simply, complexly, abstractly, or even metaphorically


i watch the art of language

it's not what it once was

specialization, and a general inclination

away from generality, the causal implication


unless you use acclaim and fame

in the music industry name game

jack kerouac, k, k, k kerouac

on the road, in my head


in canada, if i asked

anyone at random, off the street

most that recognize that famous writer

would say, wait, our lady peace?

isn't that in a couple verses?

if you asked me at 18

i would have said something similar

public education, disgracing the entire nation

stupefying us, we're so confused

with feelings of indignation, constant contemplation

but we can't provide an explanation

for the system that causes damnation

how can we, it isn't important

that's what i remember being told

what has a book ever done

what's productive about an arts education


but it's ideas that shape communities

they come from reading, thinking critically

an economist can use financial models

that take into account, the monetary

but reading literature, begs the question

what the purpose of economics is

why are growth value, happiness ignored

im not sure, it's on the blackboard


and that's the dissection, to question

that's the importance of the arts

perhaps we need a profound resurrection


it's like people can really see

that science and art fit synchronistically


the patterns in philosophy, although abstract

are seen in all subjects, ubiquitously

but because these patterns are nebulous

the claim of transferability seems incredulous


but an understanding of recurring concepts

means your specialization will be nonsense

i'll ask you explain your domain

you'll see they're all the same


who's to blame, im not sure

growth is the key, i think

at least that's what im told

if i can be so bold

as to make an absolute statement

that seems to explain the shift

we don't really need any thinkers

we need to fill specific roles

and if we keep people apart

they won't communicate, at least academically

it would be to cross disciplinary

it's been made into an impossibility


good english, the old common unificator

has been reduced to a relic

like a senile old man, benign

and at most a crappy major

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Art and financial sustainability – problematic there.

Something you definitely cannot depend upon.

Eloquent writing, for its own sake

is one thing – not for survival.


Fame too is fleeting at best,

certainly, not the motivation for accomplishment,

to me anyhow, it is irrelevant.


What is communication, please explain it.

Exchange of ideas? Or, of commerce?

It is social intercourse, hopefully meaningful;

unless it is also self understanding.

Communicate your ideas and I’ll judge.

I’ll communicate my thoughts about yours,

or I won’t as I desire.


Good English has long since disappeared,

now replaced by new age language

where communication is hit and miss.

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you have answered your own question

there is no true right answer

it can be anything, absolutely anything

that makes you ponder or think

come to whatever conclusion you wish

just ask yourself why? why not?


language, in its' precision and abstraction

makes us think, think for ourselves

often, there are no clear answers

we make up the personal meaning


but anyone who sais they know

clearly displays that they don't know

and too often, people absolutely know

but when i ask how so

they reply, an authority said so

maybe they're right, maybe their wrong

but at least play a bit

and do some mental ping pong



What is communication, please explain it.

Exchange of ideas? Or, of commerce?

It is social intercourse, hopefully meaningful;

unless it is also self understanding.

Communicate your ideas and I’ll judge.

I’ll communicate my thoughts about yours,

or I won’t as I desire.

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Everything you said^ makes emminent sense!

You have no argument from me. :P


Do not believe what you read.

Critical thinking always requires exactly that.

The state of knowledge always advances.

Stale knowledge becomes misinformation to ignore.


Exams demonstrate retention/recall, not comprehension.


Six words can make complete stories. :P


I know someone who just moved. :P


Time to plan for Christmas vacation.


Bullied Quebec teen recently commit suicide. :mad:


Quebec elderly population = double in 20yrs.


Sexual orientation of parents isn't relevant.


Advancements in society leave many behind.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your good deeds shall live forever. :)


Mentoring helps others achieve their potential.


Going from "survive" to "thrive" - awesome!


Hope and motivation are so important.


May Robin Hood get to sleep. :)


In helping others, you help yourself.


I'm glad Christmas break finally arrived. :P


Michelle is finding inner peace now. :P

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and apparently hungry, haha, that's classic


id be comatose on the couch


listening to some good trance music


mostly because i couldn't walk straight :)


Food is what the doctor ordered,

then sleep and even more sleep. :P


I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas



Santa, my wish for Chrisrtmas is:

I want my two front teeth! :P


Our very best friend is ourselves.


Cerena is on a 10hr trip.


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