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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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Refined Sugar: Public Enemy No. 1.

Researchers want it controlled like tobacco.

Control: processed foods, suger sweetened drinks.


Raw sugar is full of impurities.

Sugar must be refined by law.

Refining sugar does not affect composition.

Body recognizes all sucrose as sucrose.

The problem is overconsumption, not refining.

I agree with controlling processed foods.

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Familiarizing yourself is important to do.

This is now under your belt.

In other words, I totally agree! :P

Things always happen for a reason.

Mike, I wish you every success. :)


Iran and Syria: change is overdue.


Consider advice but trust your instincts.

Others may know more than you,

but its your life, not theirs.

You are accountable, responsible to yourself.


We're on the brink of war,

many have heads under the sand.

Iran, not N.K., is the problem.

Wishful thinking won't solve the problem.


Quite the massacre this past week.

And there were many happy applicants.


Killings continue as UN does nothing.

Russia continues to play its game.

Russia likes supplying arms to Syria.

Self-interest is more important than lives.

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Do your best, then move on.

Always another day to improve more.

Perspective is reality. Lots of wisdom. :P


Russia, China veto UN Syria resolution.


Actor Ben Gazzara dies in NYC.


Large Moscow rally against Putin's rule.

120,000 - biggest rally in 20 years.


Is Israel preparing to attack Iran?


Iran increasingly threatens US Jewish targets.

Soft targets are under greater threat.

1984 Argentina: Iran bombed community center,

killed 85. Iran prepared repeat this.


Israeli Defense Minister: if sanctions fail,

a military strike should be launched.


Its senseless to await doomsday scenario.


Syrian massacre: 300 killed in Homs.


These crimes against humanity just continue.

Tragic history in Syria repeats itself.


Canada slams UN 'paralysis' on Syria.


China, Russia promoting continuing senseless violence.


Sacrifices are required to achieve success.

Really a small price to pay.


Syria: France says crime against humanity.


Trolls need to be banned quickly. :eek:


Banned: you've worked to self-excluded yourself. :P

Trolls and spammers - not welcome here. :eek:


Toronto, union reach tentative contract deal.


Putin against free elections and democracy.

In Syria, favours torture, rape, killings.

Sad the Putins control the world,

while the world stands by watching

the slaughter and letting it continue.

This is called observing international law,

recognizing the sovereignty of each nation.

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