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Finding US medical schools that I can actually apply to...

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Hi everyone,


This is my second time applying to medical schools (Mac rejected me after interview... :( ). I am applying to a bunch of Canadian medical schools, but I also plan on doing some American ones too. My problem that I am finding is that my lack of second term organic chemistry is coming to bite me in the rear.


The trend that I have found is that some schools will allow biochem to sub, but it'll also need to have a lab. It's taken me forever to compile a list of possible schools for me, so I thought I'd ask the forums if you can help me out by suggesting US schools that I can apply to. So far my annoying limitations are:


1) With no full year in english requirement (but doing a "writing intensive" (?) thesis in physiology)

2) Accept a half year of organic chemistry, or allow biochemistry to sub in even if there is no lab component (So the school, like Dartmouth, has no specified lab requirement and will just takebiochem itself).


Does that make any sense? Please keep in mind that I can take a requirement in my summer before matriculation etc, but for now I'd like to try my hand at the previously stated...if it is even possible :S.


Oh and if there are other threads I can look at please feel free...



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If you seriously want to go to medical school, you would want to take the orgo and english. I cant think of any US schools that you can apply to.


I'm pretty sure that taking requirements during the summer before matriculation is NOT an option. I remember a lot of schools saying this was not acceptable. Besides there are some schools that start in early-mid July.


Edit: maybe I'm thinking of canadian schools.

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Thanks for the info.


It is my understanding that Canadian schools need the reqs by the end of the year (May), while MOST US schools will allow me to finish it before matriculation (except Cornell so far, who wants it by Jan (I emailed)).


Looks like I'll be looking into taking that orgo and english sigh... thesis course is going to be fun times now.

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Thanks for the info.


It is my understanding that Canadian schools need the reqs by the end of the year (May), while MOST US schools will allow me to finish it before matriculation (except Cornell so far, who wants it by Jan (I emailed)).


FML just submitted my primary to Cornell yesterday. I won't have Orgo II done until second semester nor any english

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FML just submitted my primary to Cornell yesterday. I won't have Orgo II done until second semester nor any english


Oh no! Sorry to hear that...yeah Cornell was a weirdo one. If you want to ensure that what I said was correct (just in case!) here's what it read:


Thanks for your inquiry. The writing courses have to be in English or a humanities/social studies course. Please access our web site at http://www.med.cornell.edu/eduation/admissions information about our requirements.

Furthermore, all course requirements need to be completed by January 2010. We select our class in March.


Good luck applying elsewhere though. I've learned that it's generally all right to have them before matriculation.


PS I decided on taking full year english to open up the doors sigh!

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