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any advice?

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after 1 cycle of applying in Canada, with no luck, i am thinking of applying to the states to expand my options (i will be entering 4th yr).


here are some of my dilemmas. my stats are 3.99 GPA, 13/9/13/R MCAT, with a 9 in verbal, should I rewrite?? I am scheduled to write my MCAT again in late July, but I do not want to delay my US application as I understand the earlier the better. will they consider the 2nd mcat, or look at my marks right away. either case, the 9 will also cost me next yr with Western and potentially Queens.


in terms of prereqs for the states, i have a full year orgo, and physics, but no english, do a lot of schools require english? should i suck it up and take it?


also, where do you think i will have a good shot in the states? I dont want to apply to too many (5-10 max as it is expensive), but i am interested in some of the top tier schools, do i have a realistic chance? (in terms of sketch, i volunteered for many years at hospital/food shelter, researched for 3 years, will have a secondary author paper in a month or two at a respectable journal)


lastly, how different is applying to md/phd in the states, do they accept a lot of Canadians? is it worth it to apply?


i would appreciate any and all advice. thanks.

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Do a great essay and with strong LORs you will get an interview at U/T and probably McGill, then it is up to you at the interview. Personally, I would not risk a rewrite on a risk vs reward assessment. I have no clue about the US application process and am confident you will get expert advice here. Good luck.

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hey, there's a what are my chances thread where you'll probably get more replies.


But by looking at your stats, you would be really competitive i think even at some of the top schools there. If you are still focusing on Ontario schools then I guess you'll need to take the MCAT again. For US schools though, that score is really good. It would be a risk to take the MCAT again with that score. If you do write it again, then they would wait until your second scores are released (late august) before they start reviewing your application, which is a bit late.


Don't worry about prereqs, you should have them done before med school starts. You will need english though.


You seem to have the complete package with a killer GPA, MCAT, years of clinical experience plus 3 years of research. Definately apply to the top schools there but I think 5-10 might be a bit low, even for someone with your stats. You don't want to apply again to the US if you somehow don't manage to get in this cycle (it's not looked upon favorably there). So add some mid-tiers as well. the what are my chances thread has a general list of schools that most people will apply to and these schools have been confirmed by the folks on this board to regularly accept Canadians (not many but they do)


Hope this helps!

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I had a 9 in verbal (12.9.12) and I had osme success. If you can get the application ready asap you have an amazing shot at US schools. Not sure of the phd side though.


Your stats are awesome and you possess solid research and clinical experience. I think you should aim high but remember 5-10 schools is few by US standards and if you are very narrow in the approach you minimize your chances.


What province do you reside in? I was lucky being from AB I could circumvent the 9 in verbal but Ontario is a stickler for it.


PM if you prefer

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i am indeed from ontario... that 9 in verbal is absolutely killing me, but i am not sure if rewriting will jeopardize my other sections, to be frank i'm not sure how much i can improve in verbal.


do the states look a lot at the individual scores or more at your combined score?


anyone with any suggestions for where to apply for md/phd?

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