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MCAT scoring


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The MCAT is scored against others who write the exam on the same day. Each score represents a certain percentile range.


Summer is the best time because that's when almost all premeds write it and there are good and bad writers.


However, only grad students (masters and phd) and premeds who are writing write during the year. Both of which which will probably have somewhat of an advantage over a first time writer.


Hope that helps ;).

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It is not just scored against others who write it the same day. I think the AAMC has a pretty strong database of how people scored on passages and discrete questions and that will be how you will be "curved".


For how you are scored, you should check http://www.aamc.org/students/mcat/preparing/understandingscores.htm where they too say that you are not graded against others who write it the same day.


So really it doesn't matter when you write it, hope that helps.

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That's probably true, that they use data from other days as well. But most of the people on your test date will share most of your passages and questions, so your mark will also depend on people who write on the same day as you as well?


They don't come out and say that your mark isn't dependent on how others do.

They must gauge the difficulty of passages and discrete questions using examinee data so

their performance on them is relevant and impacts upon your score.

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