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July 17 MCAT aftermath


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didnt mean to frighten anyone just meant that you should study from other sources.


i don't know what your science background is nor how much time you've put into studying for the physics section. for physics itself pretty much know your formulas. know quickly why and where they apply but mostly memorize them by making your list. then simply apply them in your practice tests or material.


a month should be more than enough time for physics, if it was VR on the other hand... anyways i'm sure you'll be fine just put the work into it.

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i suggest doing all the practice you can get your hands on. the AAMC tests were not representative for the physics at all from my experience, and were way too easy. i was getting 13-14's in physics with 10+ minutes remaining at times. on the real thing i only got a 10 and really struggled both for time and answering the questions. i think TPR is harder in the physics.


TPR VR is also harder and different. there questions are usually longer and the articles more abstract, with convoluted language and such.


Yah no kiddin eh? Some of those physical sciences passages are a joke. I remember one test where 2 passages dealt with basic general chemistry such as periodic trends and stuff like that. I highly doubt the real MCAT would be like that:(

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in summary, AAMC and EK are a good indicator for the VR on test day. Bio expect more experimental passages. Physics will have some abstract passages that will certainly require more thought than usual. WS usually has the same statements as on their website.


TPR workbook for physics is also good, as they have harder questions and test the knowledge given in their chapters. Essentially if you know when and how to apply the formulas and extract the relevant details from the passage you will be fine. for all those stressing on physics, this is a section that can certainly be learned with the effort. but it is more than possible to do so in a month or less. also remember GChem is usually the easier part of this section which makes up about half.

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