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Dental Speciality Programs

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Hi Everyone,


For anyone who is already in dental school and is thinking of going into a speciality program in the states or has already completed or is in the process of completing one, which American dental school is Canadian friendly when it comes to speciality programs and which speciality program in the states is Canadian friendly (if there is such a thing)? I'm interested in perio but also maybe oral and maxillofacial surgery albeit I have just finished by first year and who knows what the future will hold, maybe I will change my mind.


Is there any forum just dedicated to matters associated with dental specialty programs that anyone can direct me to as well?


Thanks for your help in advance,



There is a forum for Dental Residency discussions on SDN. Also you can visit websites of the schools to see if they are Canadian friendly. I saw few websites of New york OMFS programs where there are lot of residents from Canada (which shows they are Canadian friendly). I forgot the names of schools but I think you can do your search.

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hi guys... first of all I don't understand an American dental school that is Canadian friendly. Well maybe a large volume of canadian students studying in there??? but I think these dental schools are very much considerate no matter what or where their students came from. The most important thing is that these students are really willing to learn everything from these schools.

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