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Huge Savings on DAT Materials - Vancouver Only!!

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Hurry!! I am leaving Vancouver soon. all4xtrm@gmail.com


IQ Publications:

All brand new condition!!!

DAT PAT(Test Form A): $25 => $20

DAT PAT(Test Form B): $25 => $20

DAT PAT(Test Form C): $25 => $20

DAT Reading Comp.: $45 => $30

DAT Survey of Natural Sci.: $30 => $20

DAT Soap Carving: $40 => $35

All above IQ publications for $145 => $100



Kaplan Blue Book 2007-2008 (Brand New book in a shipping package): $25

Kaplan Blue Book 2007-2008 (Used): $15

Kaplan Course Package #1 (Review Note, Lesson Book, Flashcards, CD): $15


Barron's DAT: $24 => $10 (Like new)

Cliffs AP Biology (Brand New): $20 => $10

Organic Chemistry DeMYSTiFieD(Brand New): $24 => $10

Campbell Biology Student Study Guide: $15

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