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Will dental schools accept my application if I start undergrad in February?

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I graduated high school this past June, but need to go back for 2 prerequisite credits. I'm taking it through correspondence, so I'll be finished earlier than regular high school.

If I start undergrad second semester, I'll have awkward years.

Is that acceptable for dental schools?

Or do you recommend Starting in Sept 2010?



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The university terms begin in Sept and Jan. If you do not finish the highschool courses until Feb, you will be too late for Jan. You could always take spring and summer classes if you are really anxious to get started.

But yes, dental school will accept your application if you start in sept, feb, or spring/summer.

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My advice for you is to start when others start. Make some friends, have some fun, and build a community around you - this goes a long way in university. I feel that it will be to your detriment to have some classes where you may be a year ahead, and others where you may be a year behind...


Learning from those ahead of you helps, it will be hard to do this if you chose to start in January, b/c you may not find someone to follow who started in January like yourself...

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