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resident spots for IMG

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Everything you need to know is at http://www.carms.ca


Specifically, this is the list of residency spots for 2010 by discipline. (The left hand column lists the positions for Canadian grads, the right hand column the positions set aside for IMGs (including UK & Ireland, Europe, Australia, Caribbean and beyond). It also comes listed by University.


Pay PARTICULAR attention to the basic and provincial requirements. Note that all provinces with an IMG stream have a return-in-service contract attached to the position (go to the University information for more information, province by province, on ROS).


As for your specific question about ENT, there was one spot in 2009 (I don't remember where it was - Ontario somewhere, I think). There were 71 IMG applicants in the first round for that spot, one of whom matched. Remember that ENT is insanely competitive. Those applicants would have had GREAT scores and incredible LORs to even have bothered applying - so if you want it, make sure you ace all your exams, blow them away at your electives, and have stellar letters of reference. And make sure you have a fall-back choice, and apply to it widely.


By comparison, in 2009 55 Canadian-trained applicants went after 28 ENT residency positions; all positions filled in the first round.


It's probably a good idea to apply to a lot of programs in the US, too (since only a fraction of IMGs who apply match in Canada - of a total of 1387 applicants, 294 [21%] matched in Canada in the first round).


NB - VERY IMPORTANT for those looking at this data in summer 2009. NOT ALL of the positions are up on CaRMS yet, so don't panic about the total number of positions being so low.

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