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blackberry usefulness


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hey everyone,


i'm planning on getting a cheapo blackberry to replace my normal phone. i probably won't get the data plan due to a limited budget, but the phone (pearl 8120) does have WIFI capabilities. what are some suggestions as to what i can do with it? i know there's BB messenger, does that cost any extra $$? i'm just sticking with my normal phone plan (no data plan) and any internet browsing will be done at school with the WIFI.


p.s. i'm going into 1st yr Meds, so any applications that might be helpful? or would facebook mobile be enough? haha.

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would facebook mobile be enough? haha.


Yes. Unless you're in some whacked out curriculum, you won't need anything in the first two years of med school that you didn't need/have in undergrad. Except for a stethoscope, and a diagnostic kit possibly.


Most people that I see with blackberries are the ones who aren't paying attention in lecture because they are busy texting.

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decided against getting a blackberry, it seems sort of useless without the data plan. plus, i'll be tethering my laptop around anyway, so it'd be much easier to just look things up on there when i'm studying...


waiting for my contract to expire so i can get myself an iphone (which i think is much more useful...read: GAMES!)

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I dont think its possible to get a smartphone without the data plan, unless to buy the phone outside of a contract. Usually when you buy a blackberry or smartphone at the promotional offer (e.g. $0, $49.99, etc. on a 3-year-plan), the plan must be a data plan.

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I dont think its possible to get a smartphone without the data plan, unless to buy the phone outside of a contract. Usually when you buy a blackberry or smartphone at the promotional offer (e.g. $0, $49.99, etc. on a 3-year-plan), the plan must be a data plan.


I believe with rogers you can get an iphone/smartphone plan without data, however, if you do end up using data, you are going to paying out of your nose /kb of data used (FYI if your phone has GPS, and you use it, it also uses data)

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no it doesnt actually lol


Using the GPS doesn't, but to load the map that the crosshair goes on does.


I don't have data, so I don't find my GPS useful because I can see where I am using the crosshair, but it tells me I'm just on a gray field.

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yea what wut said... loading google maps uses data... but while traveling, i dont think it does (at least not much)... either way it uses some data (on the iphone)


Unless you spend 100$ (i think thats what it is) on the tomtom app, with comes with maps preloaded on the iphone, then i thing you would be safe in saying it wont use any data at all (PS might i say thats a rip off, and i recommend buying the gps unit itself for a little bit more)

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get a Blackberry Bold. They are awesome!


If you want to sign a contract with Rogers then you will be forced to buy the data plan. You could always buy an unlocked blackberry from like Ebay or something and not have to buy the data plan but i don't see the point since the whole point of getting a blackberry is to take advantage of its amazing email system and data!

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  • 6 months later...
get a Blackberry Bold. They are awesome!




so trueeee! i just love the blackberry bold im definitely changing to a blackberry bold as soon as my contract is over..


btw.. im with telus and yes u can get a smartphone at like $49.00 or $0 with a 3-year contract without necessarily chossing the data plan. i know people who recently purchased smartphones from telus, payed like nothing since they renewed their 3-year contract and surprise ! they didnt have to change to a data plan in order to get the smartphone. Plus, I am currently the happy owner of a blackberry pearl:D and i have the regular phone plan. I just think that getting the data plan just for emails and internet access when u already use ur laptop all the time in university is useless. plus data plans start at $50 and the options they re offering are ridiculous for the price they re asking. On the other side, having a blackberry or just any regular smartphone is just awesome, there s so many things that u can do with a smartphone that u cant really do with a regular phone! (yes im in love with my blackberry)


Neway, the choice is urs. but i definitely enjoy having a blackberry and sticking to the regular phone plan.:D

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  • 2 months later...

I'm almost finished my third-year and i still have my trusty old cell phone. You don't NEED to have a blackberry/iphone in clerkship...I'm holding out for the sake of my rapidly declining bank account...although it would be nice sometimes to check your email and look things up. There's always computers around the hospitals so you always have internet access. I can't imagine any reason that you would need a smartphone in preclerkship for school reasons.

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I'm almost finished my third-year and i still have my trusty old cell phone. You don't NEED to have a blackberry/iphone in clerkship...I'm holding out for the sake of my rapidly declining bank account...although it would be nice sometimes to check your email and look things up. There's always computers around the hospitals so you always have internet access. I can't imagine any reason that you would need a smartphone in preclerkship for school reasons.


For me I had the choose between a cheapo cell+land-line(w voicemail + long distance national calling to call home) or get a iPhone with nationwide my10. I went with the later option.

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