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hi all

i'm iranian medical student just finished my 4th year (our program is 7 year!!!!)

i want to quit my study here and continue it in canada but since i'm not canadian citizen they won't accept me so i decided to start all over again from undergraduation. i want to study undergraduation in vancouver so in this regard i have some questions ,i'd appriciate if someone will help me



1.which undergraduate program should i take so after that i'd be able to persue my medicine dream?


2.do you know any university or collage that will accepts some of courses i passed in these 4 years like biochemistry or physiology?


3. do you know any university or collage that will give me financial aid? (my family can not afford the costs?


and my last question is do you think i'm insane for doing this???:(


thank you

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1. It doesn't matter which undergraduate program you do, as long as you have all the pre requisite courses for medical school


2. No, best way to go about this is to check the websites of the schools you are interested in, or call them.


3. You will be considered an international student, they usually have to pay way more (2-3 times) than someone whose from Canada. I personally doubt theres a lot of financial aid available, you will have to check websites/ call the universities.


You could be a little crazy yes, you are halfway through your program and this is a very drastic decision, make sure you have the money and the requirements to pursue this.

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hi all

i'm iranian medical student just finished my 4th year (our program is 7 year!!!!)

i want to quit my study here and continue it in canada but since i'm not canadian citizen they won't accept me so i decided to start all over again from undergraduation. i want to study undergraduation in vancouver so in this regard i have some questions ,i'd appriciate if someone will help me



1.which undergraduate program should i take so after that i'd be able to persue my medicine dream?


2.do you know any university or collage that will accepts some of courses i passed in these 4 years like biochemistry or physiology?


3. do you know any university or collage that will give me financial aid? (my family can not afford the costs?


and my last question is do you think i'm insane for doing this???:(


thank you


I encourage you to rethink your tentitive plans, you are more than half way thru med school already. So, yes it is somewhat insane. Getting in is very much of a lottery and the fact that you have already been accepted elsewhere is meaningless in assessing your chances, And it you are not in Canada as immigrant/permanent resident, you will have even more obstacles re heavy tuition and quota. Perrsonally, I would not do what you are thinking to do as it is high risk with absolutely no guarantees. And you want to find out if potential med schools here would hold against you that you left med school in the middle of studies.

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i know all these but with solving all the problems ahead and with passing all the exam with flying color still i would be IMG


and to consider that our program is 7.5 year and they wont give us our transcript unless we work as return of servise for about 2 years


i don't know

its really killing me :(

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Well, your choices are either to continue as you are for 5 or 6 more years and then apply to Canada as an IMG or come to Canada, find a way to pay like $12,000 to $20,000 a year for tuition, study for 4 years in what would be a foreign country for you (assuming you don't need a year to pass any equivalency tests or if you've missed any deadlines for this year already), then apply to our Canadian (and possibly American) med schools knowing that even with a 85% average it's a crapshoot even for us natives and will rely heavily on your performance in the interviews should you make it that far.


I'd suggest you stay where you are too. Applying for an IMG is more promising.

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bemoon ham oonja va darsateh tamam kon


LOL afarin. nazare manam hamine...madraketo begir bad bia.


aah that felt good :D


honestly there are some new iranian medical graduates who end up working here or in the States. sure there are hoops to jump through, but i think it's better than wasting your 4 years + another 4 years in undergrad when there are no guarantees. the path to med school is very different here..it's not enough to be a genius (well, it wasn't enuf for me :D). there are a lot of factors involved and it can be a crapshoot.

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oh and medschools are way more expensive... u of t is around $50 000 and mcmaster is around $90 000 for visa students


IF i start all over again that would be in Canada so after undergraduate I'll become Canadian citizen. isn't that right?


look this is my plan, do you think its not wise?


I'll apply for these undergraduate uni in Canada then if i got admission i will tell my university i want one term permission for vacation

i leave that semester to Canadian university

if that didn't work i turn back to my own uni.

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scoopy, have you heard the expression "a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush"....well you are in med school, not an ideal situation for you but you are there, even though you still have years and will need to practice there, for sure you will be an MD. Now, you are considering throwing this all away for what? For a dream that perhaps one day you may be able to buy a ticket to enter the lottery of applying to med school. This is a long shot. And whould you get there and be interviewed and be accepted, then ypou wont have the money to pay so you won't go to med school in Canada b/c you cannot afford it. And who knows, perhaps you will be afraid to return to your home country b/c you dropped out of med school and they may hold it against you. There is absolutely no guarantee whatsoever that if you graduate from UG in Canada, you will become eligible to be a landed immigrant and become a Canadian citizen. This is another dream. Is is possible? Yes. Is it probable? No. Get a Masters, an MBA and perhaps, then you may have skills Cansada would like, but a bachelor's degree is not worth much in terms of giving you immigration status. Remember, Canada is expensive for edication as an international student.

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it may also be good to consider going to the USA instead of Canada for your plan. I'm not sure how long or even if you can beocme a US citizen, but getting into US medschools as a US citizen is so so much easier than getting into canadian schools as canadian citizen. Otherwise, i would stay in Iran.

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