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How are grad students considered?

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I don't have the exact formula, I believe that it may depend on the type of program completed, number of courses involved, etc. But my understanding of what they did when I was going through the admissions process was... they combined my 2 years of a mostly course-based masters program with my last year of undergrad to give me a "GPA" to be used for the scoring process. I know things have changed since then but I don't know how much.


I'll probably know more after Monday, Sept. 21st if you can wait for an answer, otherwise you'd have to ask the admissions office directly.

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Anyone know how grad students are evaluated by Dal?


I dont remember the exact numbers, but it goes something like this:


~40% Iinterview

~15% MCAT

??% Extracurriculars

??% GPA


Reference letters are only used as flags, and you get up to 5 bonus points for completing higher degrees (graduate degrees), very high MCAT WS, etc.

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What if the graduate degree was research based, ie thesis, with some coursework?



I don't have the exact formula, I believe that it may depend on the type of program completed, number of courses involved, etc. But my understanding of what they did when I was going through the admissions process was... they combined my 2 years of a mostly course-based masters program with my last year of undergrad to give me a "GPA" to be used for the scoring process. I know things have changed since then but I don't know how much.


I'll probably know more after Monday, Sept. 21st if you can wait for an answer, otherwise you'd have to ask the admissions office directly.

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So here's my understanding...


grad marks are included (I'll update you on the formula when I actually get it) they are combined with the last 2 years of undergrad


the scoring system:


is 15 GPA; 10 MCAT; 5 discretionary points; 20 supplemental points (5 activities, 5 volunteer, 5 jobs, 5 medically related experience); Essay 10 points, 40 interview


Hope this helps

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grad marks are included (I'll update you on the formula when I actually get it) they are combined with the last 2 years of undergrad


This information is on the Dalmed website: final GPAs for grad students are calculated based on MSc marks + best two years of UG, or PhD marks + UG year 3 or 4.


I'm a bit confused, though. They state that you still have to meet stated minimums for applicant pool you are applying in (which I understand) but does this mean you still have to submit marks for 3 out of 4 years of UG even if you have a grad degree? Or do they simply mean that you still need an average of more than 3.7 in each of the three 'years' they are using in the grad calculation? I'm not sure whether to list dates of two years of study or three in the University/college section. :confused: Perhaps I'll send them an email.


Anywho, from the horse's mouth:


Transcripts from graduate students applying to medicine will be assessed as follows:



2 best consecutive full time undergraduate years plus

ALL course grades from the Masters program (count as one years GPA). These three years will be averaged together to determine your eligibility. You must meet our stated minimums for the applicant pool you are applying in.


All courses from the Ph.D program (count as one years GPA) combined with the GPA from one senior year (year 3 or 4) of the completed undergraduate program will be averaged together to determine your eligibility. You must meet our stated minimums for the applicant pool you are applying in.


All graduate students must have an official transcript submitted to the Admissions office on or before the Application closing date each year. (for 2009-2010 this date is November 2nd).


Please note:

This date is later than the September 30th date for undergraduate students to allow for your defense to take place and for your transcript to be updated to indicate you have received your degree.


This transcript must include ALL grades for courses taken. In addition a letter from your supervisor must also be submitted to indicate that you have defended and the date.

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