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MD/PhD acceptances have started

Guest cheech10

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Guest cheech10

A friend of mine got accepted into the MD/PhD program the other day. I didn't know their stuff came out so much earlier; it's much less stressful than having to wait another 3 months.

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Guest Kirsteen

Hey there cheech10,


Are you sure they were accepted to the program, or perhaps, "accepted" to the next stage of consideration, i.e., received an interview invitation? As far as I know, the interviews have not yet occurred for the MD/PhD program, so an invitation into the program would be pretty fabulous.




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Guest TonyRobbins

Hello there


Be Still my beating heart, that info above is scrambled scribe!

As far as I know they must have received an invitation, because I contacted the school today and they informed me that interview invites are being and going to be mailed out. Offers dont occur until June or so.


And Kirsteen to answer your question about Mac, (Sorry it took me so long to get back to you) The MD portion of the interview is the same in terms of group,single and video, however during your single interview I believe the faculty are potential Phd supervisors and therefore gear their questions towards motivations for research, career direction etc. Its too bad you did not apply, I hear the faculty of Health Science at Mac has an excellent research initiative. In any case I will inform you as to how things go and also if I hear anything from UofT



Tony Robbins

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Guest sammy

the first round of interviews for the mdphd took place a couple of weekends ago (phd on fri (march 1)//meds over the weekend). i know that last year, acceptance to the program was offered shortly after the interviews, although written acceptance into the meds portion did not arrive until june (along with regular MD applicants). basically this waiting for the formal med school acceptance is an OMSAS technicality. thus, it is very likely that people have already received their "acceptances". I believe that there is going to be a further round of interviews for md/phd, but as far as i know, the number of interviews granted for the second round depends on the outcome of the first round.

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi sammy,


Supporting your story, the MD/PhD office had told me that they had already formulated two batches of interviews, to be conducted on different dates. However, I wasn't told that the number within the second depended upon the first...




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Guest sammy

hi kirsteen,

sorry–you're probably right...what i meant is that the number of available spots will depend on the outcome of the first round of interviews (since, as we discussed above, the acceptances come out right away). again, this is what i understand of the process, but i could be wrong.


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Hi Cheech10! I know from your other posts that you're currently in third year at U of T. Is your friend also in the same year as you? Does your friend go to UT? If not, where does your friend live and how was he/she notified?


Any info you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


Nervously waiting...

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Hi Cheech10! I know from your other posts that you're currently in third year at U of T. Is your friend also in the same year as you? Does your friend go to UT? If not, where does your friend live and how was he/she notified?


Any info you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


Nervously waiting...

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Guest cheech10

Yes, my friend goes to UofT, and is in many of my classes in 3rd year. I thought it strange that a 3rd year would get into the MD/PhD program, but s/he is quite the exceptional applicant. S/he has an insanely high GPA, loads of extracurriculars and research experience. And it is not an interview invitation etc., it is definitely an acceptance; s/he had her interview on the first weekend and has to reply to the offer by mid April. Believe me, I was surprised to hear it too (and VERY jealous). Notification was by mail. As for the other applicants, don't forget the number of MD/PhD applicants is rather low and the available spots are relatively high, and there have been years where they haven't filled all their spots (if I recall correctly). But the info re the acceptance is definitely true; I wouldn't sully my (admittedly minor) reputation by posting something as huge as this without being certain.


Forgive my androgynous pronoun usage, but I don't want to give away my friend's identity.

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Hi Cheech10! Thanks for clarifying the situation. I just have one more question: when did your friend receive the letter? (I assume she lives in Toronto?) I think I know who your friend is, as I was there on March 1st, too.


Does she know how many offers were sent out? I am sorry if I'm bombarding you with questions, but I'm just really worried, since I have not yet heard anything.

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Guest cheech10

The letter was early this week, but I don't know how many offers were sent out. Sorry. But I wouldn't worry about not hearing yet; they likely want to go through the second batch before giving most of the acceptances.


As for the early acceptance, I'd say that a lot of MD/PhD applicants apply outside of Ontario, and Ont schools need to notify them earlier so they're not at a disadvantage compared to other schools for those scarce applicants, especially the top-notch applicants like my friend. Hope I helped some of you with this info, and good luck to all those waiting to hear (myself included, but only for the straight MD program).

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Hi Cheech10, just want a clarification, your friend got into MD/Ph.D. at U of T in 3rd year? That would be funny, as I was told by them that you needed to complete a bachelor's degree.

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I don't know what the official policy is, but I got the impression that the MD/PhD program will take people with a 3 year degree, but they can't apply until the November of their first year in med school (and start the PhD portion in the second year). Maybe this person that was accepted is allowed to do the PhD, but not until after completing at least a year in med school?

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Guest cheech10



You can complete a bachelor's degree in 3 years.




That's what I thought at first, or that deferred registration would be necessary, but the letter just talked about entry in 2002. It's possible that the PhD portion would not begin until second year, but I heard no mention of this (and I pretty much grilled my friend on the acceptance).


Also, if you do the sequential route, your research won't begin until the summer after first year, so you would have completed the first year of meds. And the MD/PhD website says: "If you are applying to Medicine during your 3rd year of undergraduate studies, you *should* [emphasis added] wait until you are in 1st year medicine, and then apply to the MD/PhD Program by the November 1st deadline," but this doesn't look like an official requirement, and I have seen requirements waived in the past.

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi guys,


According to the MD/PhD office, there were ~40 applicants this year, 50% of which have received/are receiving interviews.




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Guest sammy

To clarify the requirements:


"Although students with only three years of university study may be considered for admission to the medical program, *a four-year degree **is required** for the MD/PhD program*. Students who are undertaking graduate study or are already in first year medical school are also eligible for the program"


This looks like an official requirement to me.


sure your friend is not in 4th year and taking some 300level courses??

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Guest Akane200

Hey YongQ,


MD/PhD students can begin the PhD portion of their program as early as first year as well. I know a classmate who began his PhD only two months into first year. There's no set start time, but most MD/PhDs do begin the PhD during the second half of second year. They also get to do 5 years of DOCH. :b

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The website says that you can start the PhDas early as January of your first year....


"The integrated option is available for those students eager to get into, or for those students coming directly from a Masters program back to, research. Students start in September with their medical class, but leave for full time research in January. Twelve months later, they return to medicine for the second half of first year (February to May). The summer is again spent in the lab, followed by the first half of second year medicine (September to December). They then return to research, until completion of the PhD degree, followed by the final 2 ½ years of medicine."

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi guys,


Maybe this will help clarify, but although UT also offers the "standard" MD/PhD model of beginning graduate work during second year, completing the PhD requirements, and then returning for the final two years of clerkship they also offer a custom model. This custom model is just that--customizable; which means that there could be umpteen different interations where the MD and PhD requirements are combined and fulfilled.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,


New info on MD/PhD program:

I was told today, 13 ppl had been interviewed,

9 ppl will interview today,

1 will be interviewed later (for now)

At least 1 acceptance have occured.


Best of Luck!


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Hi Pop,


Who did you hear this from? Did you hear it from Sandy directly?

Why will 1 person be interviewed later? I was told that they only have 2 rounds.



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Guest maxell



Ph.D. acceptances may occur now, but admission into medical school occurs just like for all other applicants, i.e. acceptance into the Ph.D. program is separate and does not guarantee acceptance into the M.D. program

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Guest cheech10

I know they're separate, but I don't think the PhD guys will send you an acceptance letter if they haven't talked to the MD guys to make sure you will be accepted by them.

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