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Additional Comments Section

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Hi everyone,


I've been trying to decide if it's worthwhile to fill out the additional comments section. I've added a brief comment in previous years however, I'm not actually sure if this section can help to increase your marks in any area.


For example, in the application instructions, it says to use this section to discuss issues such as a poor MCAT score, or poor year at university. However, what is the point in that when they use a fixed scoring system for the MCAT? It's not like they'll be moved by an extremely sad story and then add on another MCAT point out of sympathy.


In fact, I can't think of any way this section could help your pre-MMI ranking. Is there some benefit that I'm not seeing? There are some years/issues that I like to comment on, but I can't see the benefits in doing so.

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Well as I said, I've used this section in two previous application cycles and I didn't see a benefit. So that's partially why I'm asking - to determine if anyone else had seen any real benefits in filling out this section. I don't see how this is related to giving up. I'm strategically weighting my options at the moment. After going through this a couple of times I don't want to include superfluous information that serves no benefit but could potentially hurt my application.


I can't see it helping in the pre-MMI scoring, or post-MMI for that matter. Unless anyone has a specific experience they could share, I'll most likely just avoid this section.

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As far as I know, it is an area in which you can explain the context of some things that might not make sense on your application. When they refer to a poor year at university, I think they are giving you the chance to say that you were extremely ill and did not withdraw, or something along those lines.


Personally, I used it to explain a break in my studies that does not make sense from the transcript alone.


I do not think that adding anything here contributes to the MMI score per se, unless the assessor reads something on there that clears up a red flag that arose when they were reviewing the full application.

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That's how I've previously used it as well LostLamb. I've explained gaps in my education, my unusual circuitous route through university and the bizarre scoring system used by my alma mater.


I think the description/instructions in this section provide a poor example as I can't see how explaining a poor MCAT result will change the scoring in that particular section. However, the academic mark section is still sufficiently vague that there could be room for movement there - I think. I'm tempted to try one year without adding comments to compare my scores, but I can't seem to cope with blank spaces! It must be my obsessive-compulsive side. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
That's how I've previously used it as well LostLamb. I've explained gaps in my education, my unusual circuitous route through university and the bizarre scoring system used by my alma mater.


I think the description/instructions in this section provide a poor example as I can't see how explaining a poor MCAT result will change the scoring in that particular section. However, the academic mark section is still sufficiently vague that there could be room for movement there - I think. I'm tempted to try one year without adding comments to compare my scores, but I can't seem to cope with blank spaces! It must be my obsessive-compulsive side. :D


You know what I used it for? I talked about my previous low MCAT score, and the reasons for that mark. Then I talked about how I improved! I wasn't going to fill out that section at first either, but then I figured I might as well "Nike" that shyte. ;)

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