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Saint Louis requirements


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Anyone applied to Saint Louis this cycle? It says on their secondary that you need 8 semester hours of Physics, G chem and orgo. Since I took only 1 year of these three subjects, I have only 6 credit hours..but I htink thats the case with most ppl? So then how do we meet their pre reqs????:confused: :confused: :confused:

confused and kinda scared!

And also St. Louis doesnt have an essay right? I dont see anything on their secondary atleast

Any feedback would be appreciated!

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The vast majority of schools will require 8 hours of each. 1 semester of a science course with lab should = 4 credits. If that's not the case you should just e-mail the schools to confirm or make a note of it.


Thanks token, for your feedback. But on my verified primary AMCAS app. it says 3 credit hours for my lab courses. Is that a mistake by AMCAS???

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Thanks token, for your feedback. But on my verified primary AMCAS app. it says 3 credit hours for my lab courses. Is that a mistake by AMCAS???

It's fine, just e-mail the schools to tell them what the deal is. (I'm assuming you don't go to a 120 credit school, so just tell them what you took is the equivalent of a first year course with lab at an American university).


ed: I totally see why you're worried, but a lot of people who went to ON schools had to this and it worked out fine :) You might be able to get away without e-mailing them even.

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Anyone applied to Saint Louis this cycle? It says on their secondary that you need 8 semester hours of Physics, G chem and orgo. Since I took only 1 year of these three subjects, I have only 6 credit hours..but I htink thats the case with most ppl? So then how do we meet their pre reqs????:confused: :confused: :confused:

confused and kinda scared!

And also St. Louis doesnt have an essay right? I dont see anything on their secondary atleast

Any feedback would be appreciated!


I had opened an academic change request with AMCAS to fix my 3 hr credits to 4 hr whenever there was a lab (this boosted my GPA too! a little)...


So then I didn't have to worry about the difference between 6 and 8.

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I had opened an academic change request with AMCAS to fix my 3 hr credits to 4 hr whenever there was a lab (this boosted my GPA too! a little)...


So then I didn't have to worry about the difference between 6 and 8.


Thanks musicaldna! For some reason you always say things that calm my nerves down.

PS - how long does the academic change request form thing take to process??? Also, does handing in this form change the status of our primary app from "verified" to "not verified"

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Thanks musicaldna! For some reason you always say things that calm my nerves down.

PS - how long does the academic change request form thing take to process??? Also, does handing in this form change the status of our primary app from "verified" to "not verified"


You're welcome!


No it does not change the status. It took me 2 days.


I went to UofT for undergrad. I called AMCAS before hand to confirm if what I was requesting was doable. They said their formula for UofT should be 4 hr for a course with lab and 3 without lab but they made a mistake in my case...

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I had opened an academic change request with AMCAS to fix my 3 hr credits to 4 hr whenever there was a lab (this boosted my GPA too! a little)...


So then I didn't have to worry about the difference between 6 and 8.

This is a really smart thing to consider....


I went to a 120 credit place, so all of my courses were fine except for a prereq I took at UofT. Had I changed it from 3 to 4 credits my GPA would have dropped. It was much easier to just pretend the course was 4 credits and explain the discrepancy only if it was brought up. But if it's all your courses, you probably should.

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This is a really smart thing to consider....


I went to a 120 credit place, so all of my courses were fine except for a prereq I took at UofT. Had I changed it from 3 to 4 credits my GPA would have dropped. It was much easier to just pretend the course was 4 credits and explain the discrepancy only if it was brought up. But if it's all your courses, you probably should.


That's true. It really comes down to how the person did in the courses with labs compared to all courses. I happened to do well in lab courses so it went up.

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Hm. I'm slightly concerned now. I went to Western and all of my full courses + lab just appear as 6 credits. I read somewhere else in the forum that it'd be OK to leave the credit hours at 6? I don't even remember which schools had an 8 credit requirement and my secondaries were submitted in early August.... :confused: :confused: Can I change them now? I still haven't heard any positive feedback and am freaking out slightly right now... I just submitted the app with 0.5/1.0 credits like I was told to.

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Hm. I'm slightly concerned now. I went to Western and all of my full courses + lab just appear as 6 credits. I read somewhere else in the forum that it'd be OK to leave the credit hours at 6? I don't even remember which schools had an 8 credit requirement and my secondaries were submitted in early August.... :confused: :confused: Can I change them now? I still haven't heard any positive feedback and am freaking out slightly right now... I just submitted the app with 0.5/1.0 credits like I was told to.


I went to Western too and I applied to US schools last year. What I did was follow the instructions on AMCAS and put "with lab" after the title of each of my lab courses and check off that little lab course box on the application. They listed the credit hours as 3 or 6 but the schools seemed to be OK with this (I got an interview at SLU last year). Hope this helps.

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I went to Western too and I applied to US schools last year. What I did was follow the instructions on AMCAS and put "with lab" after the title of each of my lab courses and check off that little lab course box on the application. They listed the credit hours as 3 or 6 but the schools seemed to be OK with this (I got an interview at SLU last year). Hope this helps.


Thanks! Calms my nerves a little bit, also the school I want the most NYU said 6 hours so that makes me feel a little better. I wrote an academic change request just in case!

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Hm, just got this in response to my academic change request:


Dear AMCAS Applicant,


I am writing in response to the academic change request you submitted on September 15, 2009.


We are unable to make the change you’ve requested because:


We have performed a review of your application in light of the request you submitted, and have determined that your application was verified in accordance with AMCAS policies.


The Academic Change Request process is available mainly for applicants to address verification errors or omissions that have a direct impact on the calculation of GPA or primary undergraduate school.


If you have questions regarding the Academic Change Request process, please feel free to contact us at (202) 828-0600 or by sending an email to amcas@aamc.org.


There is no question that these were courses with labs with them (from Western) that are marked as 3.0 or 6.0 credit hours. What the heck?!

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It really shouldn't matter.


On your secondaries just pretend the courses are 4 credits. I mean if there's just a space for 8 credits of Physics, just list your two semesters of Physics. If they ask for courses and credit hours of each use your discretion. If there's a problem the school will let you know (or you can e-mail them pre-emptively to allay your fears). No one verifies prereqs until after you've been accepted.

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just to alleviate your fears further forgone (haha alliteration), I also went to western and didn't include the lab sections on the bio, chem, etc courses, and amcas decided they were 3 and 6 semester hours.


i sent the academic change request, and they gave me the same answer you received.


however, i have interviews at gwu and st louis, both of which if i remember asks for 4 and 8 credits in the prereqs.

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just to alleviate your fears further forgone (haha alliteration), I also went to western and didn't include the lab sections on the bio, chem, etc courses, and amcas decided they were 3 and 6 semester hours.


i sent the academic change request, and they gave me the same answer you received.


however, i have interviews at gwu and st louis, both of which if i remember asks for 4 and 8 credits in the prereqs.


awesome. thanks so much trickybox. maybe i should have applied to gwu and slu haha. sitting with no interviews kind of makes you question everything....

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wtf wtf wtf!!!!!!!! I just handed in an academic change request form tooo. O godd, I dont want to live with this uncertainty of whether or not I meet their pre reqs... I mean they say you need 1 year of the pre reqa right, so why dont they just give us the right number of semester hours.

ok really really freaking out now.......:( :( :(

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wtf wtf wtf!!!!!!!! I just handed in an academic change request form tooo. O godd, I dont want to live with this uncertainty of whether or not I meet their pre reqs... I mean they say you need 1 year of the pre reqa right, so why dont they just give us the right number of semester hours.

ok really really freaking out now.......:( :( :(


did you read the two messages between my last messages? should relax you a lot.

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yea, I read them but they didnt relax me...I mean ideally you dont want your app's decision to be at the discretion of some random adcom member who gets to decide whether or not 6 credits will suffice instead of 8.

Wait..if you are completely realxed, then I should be too right??? ok Ill try to work on that

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