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MCAT Scores "Pending" After Submission

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Hey guys,


First time applying so I'm not too familiar with some nuances of the system. I've submitted my OMSAS application 1-2 weeks ago but my MCAT scores are still 'pending':


Does it simply take longer for these to be verified and updated? (I've released on AMCAS over a month ago and entered the correct AAMC # into my OMSAS app).


Thanks for your time and good luck to those finishing off their applications and to all of us with the upcoming year.

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where do you guys see the status of your mcat score after you have submitted the application? I am able to see my completed application but under "MCAT information" is my test date and my AAMC ID number and nothing else.:confused: There seem to be no other links to click on. Thanks!


A certain period of time after you apply, when you log in, you should see the following line:


If you would like to verify the receipt of your application fees, MCAT, referees or transcripts click here.


It links to a page that shows the status of all aspects of your application, fees, forms etc etc.


Hope this helps!

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Ok thanks! I just submitted a few minutes ago and thought I would be able to check right away. Out of my hands now so let the waiting game begin...:P


Yah, I finished my application a day or two before it showed up... I'm sure it is just a matter of them processing it on their end... and they have to deal with all of our crap haha

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