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Pass/Fail Courses


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I was wondering if someone could clarify what McGill's policy is on pass fail courses. From the bit in their admissions section I am unclear whether or not they are saying that they do not accept any pass/courses or if they do not accept pass/fail courses for the prerequisite courses.


Also on that note, if they do not accept any pass/fail courses, what do I do if my program has a mandatory pass/fail course that I was required to take to earn my degree?

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Just as a quick follow up, here is the email I received from admissions




Thank you for your interest in McGill's Faculty of Medicine.


Be advised that the Pass/Fail [ as in the rule against them] is specifically for the basic science requirements and not any other courses that are Pass/Fail within your undergraduate degree.



Ruth Drouillard

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  • 3 months later...

Um...I think you've misunderstood...


Some schools offer courses pass/fail, ie: no grades, you either pass it or you fail it. What they are saying is that if you take a specific pre-req science course, it must have a grade.


What they're saying is that it's okay if you have taken classes like that during your degree, just that the science pre-rep courses must have grades in order to be considered.


I am actually in this situation (I go to McGill, and I have BIOL 111 under the pass/fail option) I asked around all the medical schools that require the biology pre requisite course, most schools allow substitution with higher level biology courses (i.e. BIOL 200 Molecular Biology)

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A substitution course can work at some schools, but it can be a hassle to make it "stick". Often, the preliminary file reviewer at schools isn't involved in the actual selection process (i.e. voting yes or no for an applicant), but does determine which applicants have met all the basic requirements. If the particular person that is reviewing your file doesn't know about the appropriate substitution, then you might be left out.


If you want to do a substitution, you must verify it with the school first, and then you must follow up with the admissions office after the deadline to make sure that you were actually granted the substitution.


Good luck!

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