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Premed 101 Forums

Waxy Soap?

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Hey everyone, so I ordered some soap a while back and I recently opened it up to start practicing my carving. I wrote the DAT last year and I carved around 30 soaps most of which I didn't have a problem with. However, when I started cutting into my soap this time...I noticed the soap was REALLY soft, almost like cutting into a wax candle. I know the soap I used before and the soap I carved in the DAT was not this soft/waxy. The soap before was harder and more brittle. The soft soap just curls into rolls when I bulk, instead of chunking off. Even worse, when I try to fine tune, I can't get anything off unless I steepen the angle on the blade which usually results in me catching an edge and making a big nick. I'm not sure if this is just a crappy batch and I was wondering if anyone else has had experience with this?

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