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Questions about Format of Nov DAT

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This is my first time taking the DAT and I have some questions about the actual DAT in Nov 2009:


1) Is it correct that we do not need to bring anything (knife, pencils, erasers)?


2) Are we provided with extra papers for doing calculations in the chemistry section?


--I have big writings, so I might not have enough space if I write in the question booklet.


3) For the reading comprehension section, are the passages attached together with the questions? Also, are we provided with extra paper for this section too?


--I found that time can be wasted if I have to flip from the question page to passage page. Also, I found it helpful to write down key words from questions on a separate piece of paper so that I know what ideas to look for when I read the passage.



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One more question: How long are the passages usually? The sample passages in Barron's and the CDA Booklet are quite long, about 2 full pages for each passage. I've been timing myself but has been running short of time, so I really what to know the length of passages in the actual DAT exam.



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1) Yes. You don't have to bring anything but yourself, driver's license, and your confirmation letter.


2) No, you can only write in the exam booklet


3) No extra paper is provided. The passages will be presented before the questions in the same exam booklet. And the passages are usually 3 sides (1.5 pages) from what I can remember (2 columns of text per page).

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One more question: How long are the passages usually? The sample passages in Barron's and the CDA Booklet are quite long, about 2 full pages for each passage. I've been timing myself but has been running short of time, so I really what to know the length of passages in the actual DAT exam.




CDA booklet is pretty much what you would see in real DAT in format and content wise. You will get 3 long RC passages. I have seen many people who ran out of time..

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Any suggestions for reading faster? I am now spending about 6mins reading the passage and spend ~10mins doing the questions & going back to the passage to look for the ans.



Maybe spend a couple of more minutes reading the passages more carefully so that you don't have to look for the answers in the passage. Instead, you should be able to read the question and recognize the answer (cover up the answer choices and see if you can figure out the answer by just reading the question stem).

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Hey Stresso,


Thanks for your advice! 1.5 pages per passage does not seem very long. I am working on the ones in the Barron's DAT Book and they are at least 2 pages long. The sample passage in the CDA Booklet is about 2 pages long too. Are the fonts smaller on the actual Canadian DAT?



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