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no rural exp, how bad does it hurt my PAS?

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just curious as an entire page of the application asks about rural exp, for which i answered "no" to every single question. Seeing as how the PAS is worth 45%, i figure perhaps the rural exp. means alot? They don't ask about ECs so what else are they basing the PAS on? i figure its volunteer/work and rural experience. Initially i was hoping my undergrad degrees and Masters in Business would help out in this section, but after that rural page, not even sure i should apply.


I know a school in Ontario -NOSM, didn't even except a non-rural candidate last year (it might have been one...but i think none)


any insight is appreciated!



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Im not sure they get that many applications from rural students anyways. Im sure it helps if you have experience in a rural setting, but I dont think they toss your application out if you dont.


I have 9-10 friends from the current class who got in, none of which has extensive rural experience. Show you have strengths in other areas so they have something else to think about rather than that blank page.



Definitely do apply.

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Im not sure they get that many applications from rural students anyways. Im sure it helps if you have experience in a rural setting, but I dont think they toss your application out if you dont.


I have 9-10 friends from the current class who got in, none of which has extensive rural experience. Show you have strengths in other areas so they have something else to think about rather than that blank page.



Definitely do apply.



just found out though that they dont even look at PAS related things pre interview. All about gpa and mcat! Kills me

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They do actually. There is a small part of the PAS that is considered pre-interview. It says right there in the bulletin.


Are you sure? i didnt see that part. I also called and thats what i was told......


Actually I think the part you are talking about, actually refers to being a canadian citizen, having the pre-reqs, etc. the basics. Nothing else. Thats the impression i got from a conversation i had.

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Don't worry about it. I checked "no" for all of it and I got in. Play your strengths.


thanks alot for this. I will apply. I think id be very competitive if i got an interview since then the PAS kicks in and i have a unique background. But getting the interview is a long long longshot at best!

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From what I've heard, this year's entering class was comprised of about ~40% rural students.


The trend seems to be increasing, but I am not 100% certain on that. Being rural does help, in the sense that if you had a poor MCAT score / low GPA, then the rural-factor would compensate somewhat in the PAS.


Like others have said, show your strengths in other areas. I'm sure admissions knows we all didn't choose where to live; where our parents lived, we lived.

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The trend seems to be increasing, but I am not 100% certain on that. Being rural does help, in the sense that if you had a poor MCAT score / low GPA, then the rural-factor would compensate somewhat in the PAS.



I don't think it really makes a difference. The MCAT and AGPA have been very consistent over the years, including last year. Saying that rurals would have an "easier" time should drop that then, but it hasn't happened.

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Oh, of course, I'm not implying that rural students have lower/poorer GPA or MCAT, nor am I suggesting they have an 'easier' time getting in or are at some advantage.


However, the UofM does value the rural-component and somehow factors it in to the overall score for the applicant. The extent of how much it matters/is worth, I'm not sure...

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