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More than the full course load

Guest phattie

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Guest phattie

Hi! In two and a half years of school I have completed the equivilent of (over) three years. This works out to 15.5 credits at UWaterloo. My gpa is still ok but could have been higher still. I'm just wondering if admission commitees will take this into account when assess the transcript.

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I'm pretty sure most schools don't care, but it doesn't hurt to ask them! I'm pretty sure that the GPA cutoffs are firm, i.e. done by the computer without checking to see if you have extra courses or not...

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Hi Phattie,


I have first-hand experience with this situation (I followed nearly the same pace as you did, doing about four years in two and a half), and I can say truthfully that no adcom checks (well, at least BC, TO, Mac, Calgary, and McGill). They just care how well the applicant did, not the time it took him/her to do it. At the end of the day, it's more advantageous to take 5 years to finish a 4-year degree and get an excellent GPA than to spend 3 years to get the same degree, with an average GPA, if you plan to apply to med school. In fact, it is to your <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> disadvantage<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> sometimes to take many credits in a short amt of time, because some schools drop your worst year out of the GPA calculations, etc. However, if you can really handle the extra courseload (and it seems you're doing just fine), then go for it! Just remember to keep that GPA high, because it's <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> not<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> adjusted at all!

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Guest phattie

...how do they incorporate courses that are being completed now, i.e. those that are not included at the time of submission but will be completed before the end of the year. Do they start cutting people off as soon as they recieve the applications or do they wait until your latest marks are in?

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Guest Ian Wong

I'm not a Toronto med student, nor did I even apply there, but the way most med schools handle "in transit" courses that you are still taking is to check that with those courses, that your transcript contains all of their med school pre-requisites.


The med schools will generate their interview lists etc using whatever published grades are in your transcript in accordance with their written policies. As far as I know, most med schools will wait for your final marks before accepting you, or give you a conditional acceptance on the basis that once all your "in transit" courses are completed, that you have kept up to the academic criteria in their written policies.


Here at UBC, I believe the policy in 1999 when I applied was that they wouldn't accept any students until those students had forwarded the transcripts including the marks for the 1999 courses. After all, if you subsequently failed one of the med school pre-reqs, that's it for your application...


Keep studying hard this year to maintain those marks.



UBC, Med 3

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Hi Phattie,


UT doesn't weight prerequisites differently from other courses. They just care if you have them done. Thus, they calculate your GPA based on what you have so far (i.e. what you gave OMSAS in mid-October). And if you're admitted, you send in your final transcript and they confirm you passed the prerequisites, and it's a done deal. Good luck!

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