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CEGEP Honors or Regular


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Hello I was wondering if Mcgill Med P really cares if a student is in honors or regular classes. I just moved to montreal so I am adjusting to this new place so my grades aren't very high. I managed to pull off a 86.8333333% average but my pre reqs arent that strong. Math for instance, is very different from where i came from so i got around 70 something in AP. Physics was in the 80 and Chemistry was in the 90s. Because of this, even if I applied to dawson, not marianopolis!, I dont think id get accepted to first choice. Will this matter a lot? will pre med reject me because of this

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Im currently a 2nd year student at dawson and im in first choice health science. my advice to you is not to go into first choice!!! you get no credit for it and the universities (mcgill included) does not care whether if you are in first choice or regular. its better to be in regular because your CRC will be higher and thats what mcgill looks at.

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