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When's the largest movement of the Waitlist?

Guest Waiting4Meds

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Guest Waiting4Meds

Hey guys,


just a quick q, has the largest movement already happened, i.e. last week? Just getting discouraged as the all the posts about getting calls keep coming up and I haven't been called yet :(


When does the calling start to taper off? Is there a lot of movement again in the start of july?


Thanks so much! Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated....

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Guest UWOMED2005

I'm not sure if any of us can really answer this, but. . . if you come off the waitlist Aug 15th, does it really matter if the largest waitlist movement was June 3rd?


Worst comes to worst, if there's been a large movement it means you're higher up on the list from where you were. :)


There's usually a fair amount of movement AT LEAST until mid July, and often to sometimes people come off the list later than that (we had a few come off in mid to late August.)


It's WAY too early now for the class to have filled. You're still in the game.


Good Luck.

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Guest UWOMED2005

No problem. I wish I could give you a definite answer on some of this.


But you should also know that a large proportion of the class makes it in off the waitlist. There is no 'stigma' to the waitlist once you're in. Most people won't know if you were waitlisted or not. . . but don't feel you have to hide that info, either.


And when the final awards were handed out for the class of 2005, I happen to know a number of them went to waitlistees and who had to apply a few times before getting in!*


*I should point the fact that I only know that for the case of friends who won awards AND shared the fact they were waitlisted. . . otherwise I wouldn't have known.

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Guest TimmyMax



Admission offers are offered over the phone just as soon as spots become available (ie: due to people declining or being accepted elsewhere) on a continuous basis until the class is full- I was talking to Darla today and she told this to me.

As for when the greatest waitlist movement is, I would expect that it would be around the deadline when conditional acceptances become firm, but as I said before, as soon as someone declines a UWO offer, a phone call goes out to the next person on the list, and no, UWO will not divulge your position on the waitlist no matter how many times you ask!

Hope this helps!


Best of luck!


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