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So, to ease the tension, what are your hobbies?

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It would be nice to find some like minded people next year, and so this is an attempt to do so.



I love longboarding in the summer. I'm more fond of downhill and freestyle riding, but I love ripping around on my little slalom board on campus. I also love playing guitar. I'm not that great, but it's fun to jam or rock out by myself. :D I would love to start autocrossing this summer, or do some track days with my car, but unfortunately I have to get rid of it to pay off student loans. :(


In winter, I can still say playing music, and snowboarding. Since i'm rather restricted to the city most of the time, I just stay in the park for the most part and injure myself. hah.


Some others that I have, although slightly less enjoyed, are playing the drums, biking, photography, running, playing soccer, and bowl riding (skateboarding). I wish I had more time to try to get better at riding bowls and half pipes, but unfortunately I don't. :P


SO, WHAT ABOUT YOU!? What do you do for fun, and really I do mean fun... Not just the ones you wrote on your application either :P

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This feels kind of like an awkward first date :) . I love playing squash and rock climbing. I'm also really into cooking, running and good board games (Agricola, Peurto Rico etc.).


I'm determined to take up tennis this summer, but finding a court to play at is kind of tough.

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Awkward first date for sure! LOL


I enjoy running, watching awesome television, trying out new food/restaurants, and savoring a good pint at a pub! Anyone else like to drink? (And by this I do not mean to get belligerently drunk to the point where you are incoherent and unable to walk...although this can be fun once in a blue moon lol).

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