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Feeling down!?


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Do you ever feel sorry for yourself or upset for having to be stuck inside studying tons for the MCAT, balancing school/work, all while other friends are able to go out all the time, and do what they please? How do you deal with it??


I keep telling myself not to compare, but recently it's been getting to me...every time I hear of the fun, exciting things my friends are doing..:confused: Most of my friends are not taking the med route, and are mostly travelling around the world or have full-time jobs.

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Do you ever feel sorry for yourself or upset for having to be stuck inside studying tons for the MCAT, balancing school/work, all while other friends are able to go out all the time, and do what they please? How do you deal with it??


I keep telling myself not to compare, but recently it's been getting to me...every time I hear of the fun, exciting things my friends are doing..:confused: Most of my friends are not taking the med route, and are mostly travelling around the world or have full-time jobs.


Hmm... well for the being stuck inside part, have you ever tried studying outside? I find it much more motivating than being stuck in "the cave" (aka my room in the basement) while I'm studying. Obviously this doesn't work in winter, but last summer when I took my MCAT that's what I did.


One of the biggest, most important things to do is find balance. With everything. Yes studying for the MCAT and schoolwork is important, but you still need a life or you're going to go nuts. Once a week (or once every two weeks depending on how busy you are) make sure you go out and spend some time with friends. It is a great way to destress, and I find when I do, I come back the next day more motivated to study.


Also, with travel, have you ever thought of doing a semester abroad? Don't know what year you're in, but I know the UofA offers mega scholarships for those that decide to do a semester abroad, and sometimes you can get credits to transfer over...

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I completely understand what you're saying. Most of my closest friends are not planning on a career in medicine as a doctor so they don't understand the amount of time committment MCAT studies requires, even more so for me considering I'm working at the same time. I feel terrible when I have to turn down so many requests to go out and do things. This actually happened to me like two seconds ago, what a coincidence :) I agree with the above poster though....I know I need to do something OTHER than study at least once a week or else I'd go insane. Haha.

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I completely understand what you're saying. Most of my closest friends are not planning on a career in medicine as a doctor so they don't understand the amount of time committment MCAT studies requires, even more so for me considering I'm working at the same time. I feel terrible when I have to turn down so many requests to go out and do things. This actually happened to me like two seconds ago, what a coincidence :) I agree with the above poster though....I know I need to do something OTHER than study at least once a week or else I'd go insane. Haha.


Yah! i had to say NO again to going out tonight...that's what made me think of this thread...

I def. do go out once or twice a week, and try to make it to the gym 2-3 times. They just have all their spare time to enjoy as they please. I honestly don't even look forward to weekends anymore, b/c i know they are just longer study days hahah. My boyfrend is also really supportive, but he can't really relate to the commitment.


I know we just gotta suck it up...but man is it ever a sacrifice!!! the start of many im sure...


-End of Rant- lol

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Yah! i had to say NO again to going out tonight...that's what made me think of this thread...

I def. do go out once or twice a week, and try to make it to the gym 2-3 times. They just have all their spare time to enjoy as they please. I honestly don't even look forward to weekends anymore, b/c i know they are just longer study days hahah. My boyfrend is also really supportive, but he can't really relate to the commitment.


I know we just gotta suck it up...but man is it ever a sacrifice!!! the start of many im sure...


-End of Rant- lol


Yeah it's definitely intense. Most of my friends are working or taking summer school courses. I took one summer school course after first year and then worked from June-August, and I only worked full-time last summer and needless to say, just working or just studying is so much more relaxing - 9 to 5 day, come home and relax. I'm making up for it now though lol. Working 20+ hours a week, MCAT, and a separate huge research project. Gahh. I can completely relate to what you said about your friends understanding but not being able to relate. I can't even explain it to my friends because to them it's like Okay, you're working - when you're done go home and rest. Okay, you're researching - Finish your project. Life definitely isn't that simple but oh well. I motivate myself and force myself to work harder - it will be that much sweeter at the end (hopefully).

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Do you ever feel sorry for yourself or upset for having to be stuck inside studying tons for the MCAT, balancing school/work, all while other friends are able to go out all the time, and do what they please? How do you deal with it??


I keep telling myself not to compare, but recently it's been getting to me...every time I hear of the fun, exciting things my friends are doing..:confused: Most of my friends are not taking the med route, and are mostly travelling around the world or have full-time jobs.


I can feel and understand your pain - this was how I felt last summer.


As others have already commented, it's important to find balance. Take a day off to mentally recuperate. Also, just think of where you want to be this time next year, after you have received your acceptance letter... and then you can think of exciting travel plans, etc. I know it is easier said than done.


Don't give up! Stay strong!

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I'm doing 40hrs of work a week, 10hrs of volunteering and studying for the MCAT! It drives me nuts when my friends complain how they just have no time to have any fun with their fulltime jobs!! Especially now that the weather is getting nice and my one friend just got her pool finished, I definitely am having many a pity party for myself wishing I could be out having fun too!


The one thing that does keep me going is how happy I will feel when all this studying pays off and hopefully I get accepted to meds I can tell all my non-med friends how my future plans (MED SCHOOL!) are so much better then most of their plans :P

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stick with it, it won't be your best summer, but it's for the greater good


in a couple years it'll be the summer before medschool and instead of stressing over keto-aldo bull****t, you'll be stressing over which parties to go to, what countries to visit, and wondering if you'll pass your police records check :)

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I'm doing 40hrs of work a week, 10hrs of volunteering and studying for the MCAT! It drives me nuts when my friends complain how they just have no time to have any fun with their fulltime jobs!! Especially now that the weather is getting nice and my one friend just got her pool finished, I definitely am having many a pity party for myself wishing I could be out having fun too!


The one thing that does keep me going is how happy I will feel when all this studying pays off and hopefully I get accepted to meds I can tell all my non-med friends how my future plans (MED SCHOOL!) are so much better then most of their plans :P


i feel ya!!!!!

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IT's especially hard when you are studying while others you know are already in the med school or just got accepted.


Today, I found out through random facebook surfing that this girl I knew, who I obviously underestimated, got accepted at Western.


Good for her, but at the same time, I feel really terrible because I'm stuck still studying for MCAt that's coming up.

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haha...I've just been thinking about this! I feel somewhat better now after reading this thread. Most of my friends are not taking the medicine route and are off enjoying their summer in some tropical/exotic locations while I'm studying for the mcat and doing lab work :( However i keep telling myself that hard work will pay off in the future :) We'll have loads of time in the future to travel and enjoy life to its fullest! For now...let's conquer this mcat material ;)

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