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Questions for MD's Pursuing an MPH

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This could also apply to those with an MPH applying for medicine:


1. At what school are you currently taking your MPH?

2. Was there a particular event or thing that inspired you to MPH studies?

3. What do you hope to gain by taking an MPH?

4. How do you feel that an MPH will improve your abilities as a physician?

5. After completing your MPH, where do you see yourself career wise? i.e what would you be doing ideally?

6. Are your MPH studies enjoyable? Do you have any advice or suggestions on how to make the most out of an MPH experience?

7. For those who took an MPH before entering med school, how do you feel that this degree changed your outlook on medicine?


Thanks for your time guys, also you don't have to answer all of these questions if you don't want to, I'm just looking for any input! :)


Edit: 3. and 4. are rather synonymous I know, but be creative

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