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McGill OOP student

Guest Vtown

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Guest Vtown

Does anybody know if having an undergraduate degree from McGill increases your chances of admission as an out of province student? (ie. I'm from Ontario, but I did my BSc at McGill)

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Guest medicator007



I would have to say no. as far as I understand all OOP applicants are evaluated using the same criterion: CGPA, MCAT, Letter and Interview irrespective of the university they attended. By the same token having ur B.Sc. from McGill and applying to the in-province competition would not give you an advantage over a Quebec resident who did his/her degree out of province.


Hope this helps!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest candybits

It wouldn't affect your chances, Medicator007 is right. McGill has like 2-3 spots per year offered to OOP students, I think...


As for myself, I grew up in Vancouver and lived there for 12 years before I came out to McGill for my undergrad in physical therapy and I "accidentally" became a Quebec resident without my knowledge when I had to take a year off for medical reasons. I subsequently came back to Montreal for my studies, and found out that I could pay even a lower tuition since I was not a f/t student for a continuous period of 12 months. I changed my status since then, and realized that there were many people like myself who either pursue p/t studies during their undergrad or after having graduated, lived or worked in Quebec.


All this is to say that your chances are best in your home province...

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Guest Debbie

Whats your life story Candibits?


You sound like an interesting young lady


Did you do your degree part time, what did you do before your undergrad? How did you end up in Montreal, why Physical therapy.


How old are you going into med school?


Anyways Good luck to you Candibits

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Guest medicator007



So we are going to have a "Hosmer" in our medical school class! Nothing like going to classes in what used to be a stable which you now call the "coach house" to avoid the stigma ;-) . I have a whole bunch of friends who are hosmers, so dont take it as an insult, rather a term of endearment :-)



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Guest candybits

Hey medicator,


Haha, don't even get me started on the Coach House!!! And no offense taken... that stinking stable is out of my life, forever! So many *interesting* memories are associated with that place indeed, and let me just say that a majority of them are rather unpleasant ones! I defintely wouldn't associate the coach house or any of the antique PT premises with any sentiment of endearment! Well, maybe some, but my experience with physical therapy wasn't all that positive... sure I got a great education, but my illness during the course of the year, along with a lot of other personal issues have deeply affected me and changed my perspective.


And Debbie,


As for how I ended up in Montreal... well, I appiled to the pre-physical therapy program straight out of high school. I grew up in Vancouver, but I wasn't much interested in the UBC PT program at the time since I had to spend at least 2 years in science or something along that line before I could even apply to the program there. At the time, McGill and Queens were the only schools that offered these "pre-physical therapy" programs, which is basically doing a one year of science (U0 at McGill) and provided that you attain a certain GPA then you would be admitted to the main program. I was attracted to the McGill's program for this reason, and believe me, a lot of students from both Vancouver and Toronto flocked to McGill for the same reason.


I also came to McGill because they offered me a hefty scholarship to cover my entire 4-year tuition and I figured "why not?" So I ended up here, and subsequently did my undergrad in PT. (FYI, they changed the program this year, so it is no longer offered as the undergrad level; now, it's a master's program so you'll be needing a degree before applying.) And during my studies, I became quite ill along with a bit of troubling personal issues, so I decided to take a year. This, as I explained before, allowed me to change my residency status and also my working in Quebec after having graduated would've allowed me to change my status as well.


So that's my life in short... hmmm not very interesting... but the thing is that since I came to McGill, my parents in Vancouver decided to move back to Asia for good (where we originally immigrated from), my sister went school in the US and I sorta ended up in Montreal. Now that I got into McGill med, I guess I'll be staying here longer than I'd ever imagined! :) My fiance is also from Montreal, so that's what pretty much bounds to Montreal!


So will I be seeing all of you in August? Me very excited!!!

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Guest candybits

Btw, I oringally chose to study PT because I did extensive volunteering related to rehab when I was in high school and became very interested in it. I knew I've always wanted to something related to health-care, and I really enjoy working with people, but wasn't sure if medicine was the right choice for me at the time. Plus, the fact that I could study physical therapy at an undergrad level was what really attracted me to the program, and I figured that medicine could still be an option for me even after I graduate. After having gone through PT and many internships, I then became more interested in medicine, and talked to many doctors in diff't fields before I made my decision to apply. And voila, here I am now!

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