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Canadian Residency after U.S. MD?

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Hello all, I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I can't seem to find it when I search the forums.


I am a Canadian citizen considering applying to medicine in the U.S. I was wondering if anyone had any insight into the process of attempting to secure a residency back in Canada after graduating with an American MD.


1) How realistic is it, especially when aiming for a less competitive match such as family medicine?

2) Are your odds the same as someone who was educated in the Caribbean (i.e. Saba)?

3) As a Canadian attending an American medical school, can you complete any clinical rotations at Canadian schools?


Any comments or thoughts on this topic would be immensely appreciated!


Thanks, cheers!

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1. I think it's very realistic (we had 3 students from wayne match into Canada, 2 went into FM, the 3rd into neurosurgery)


2. I am not sure about the odds because as an american graduate, we are competing for the CMG spots and as a caribbean graduate you'll be competing for the IMG spots.


3. This might be school dependent but I don't think you can do any of your 'core' rotations outside of your school affiliated hospitals but you are free to do electives (3 or 4 months at wayne) wherever your heart desires including in Canada.

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Along the same lines, does anyone know what difference it makes when applying for a Canadian residency whether you went to an American or Canadian school?


Since in either case you would be competing in the same pool of residency matches, is it just a subjective thing where the individuals in charge of selecting residents may or may not attach value to where you did your MD?

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Guest copacetic

my information comes directly from CARMS.


canadian citizens, or Permanent residents going to an LCME accredited school are given frist round access to spots and compete directly with canadian medical schools. I've also emailed some of the residency program directors of the programs im interested in and gotten the same story. there is no discrimination. now granted if you ar applying to a super competitive specialty like derm you might be edged out by a CMG who had the same qualifications and appeal, but not that the CMG would have had the luxury of doing core rotations in canada, thus the staff will know them better, and they would have had more oppurtunity to make connections and make themselves known to the attendings. other than that, they are on the same level as you. hence why it is important to do elective rotations at canadian isntitutions and spend summer doing research at a canadian institution.

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Guest copacetic
This also applies for US DO grads who want to match back in Ontario/BC right?




I have not looked into that, so i cant give you accurate information. if anyone knows for sure please feel free to post the answer to this question

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