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What are my chances?

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I graduated from UofT with a cGPA of 3.6: 3.55 (1st year), 2.7 (2nd year, due to health condition, late withdrew almost all courses), 3.75 (3rd year), and 3.85 (fourth year). Science GPA is 3.7.

My MCAT score is: 32Q (12B, 11P, 9V)

I am currently doing a Master's research degree at UofT.


My non-academic components are:

Clinical: Patient helper in a hospital

Research: three summer research projects during undergrad and for master's research, I will soon start writing a paper for publication.

Extracurricular: tutor, lighting design and control for various student-run shows/dramas in undergrad, and participated in Let's Talk science program and some United Way events...


My Qs are:

1. I know that my GPA is on the low-end, so I am wondering if the U.S. schools would also look at the trend, not just the overall GPA?


2. Do U.S. schools also look at graduate work or are they only interested in my undergrad GPA?


3. Right now I am having trouble deciding which U.S. schools I should apply to. I want to apply to a lot of schools to maximize my chance, but at the same time, I want to be reasonable and not apply to schools that will definitely or very likely reject me. Right now I have 29 schools on my list:

Rosalind Franklin

Wayne State

Suny Upstate





Virginia Commonwealth


Case Western


Albert Eistein

Michigan State



Mount Sinai






Washington U

George Washington

Wake Forest






...and I think this is too much.


So based on my GPA and MCAT scores, which of these schools would you recommand me to apply and which ones should I not apply at all? Specifically, what are my chances for schools like wayne state, rosalind franklin, Jefferson, and SUNY upstate etc?


This is my first time applying to U.S. med schools and I really need some help. Any input will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!:)

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Hi everyone,


I graduated from UofT with a cGPA of 3.6: 3.55 (1st year), 2.7 (2nd year, due to health condition, late withdrew almost all courses), 3.75 (3rd year), and 3.85 (fourth year). Science GPA is 3.7.

My MCAT score is: 32Q (12B, 11P, 9V)

I am currently doing a Master's research degree at UofT.


My non-academic components are:

Clinical: Patient helper in a hospital

Research: three summer research projects during undergrad and for master's research, I will soon start writing a paper for publication.

Extracurricular: tutor in high school and grad school, lighting design and control for various student-run shows/dramas in high school and undergrad, and participated in Let's Talk science program and some United Way events...


My Qs are:

1. I know that my GPA is on the low-end, so I am wondering if the U.S. schools would also look at the trend, not just the overall GPA?


Yes, they look at the trend. Positive trend is a good thing. You can also explain your circumstances...


2. Do U.S. schools also look at graduate work or are they only interested in my undergrad GPA?


They look at everything. But, only consider undergrad for cutoffs and comparison to other applicants


3. Right now I am having trouble deciding which U.S. schools I should apply to. I want to apply to a lot of schools to maximize my chance, but at the same time, I want to be reasonable and not apply to schools that will definitely or very likely reject me. Right now I have 28 schools on my list and I think this might be too much.


So based on my GPA and MCAT scores, which schools would you recommand me to apply and which ones should I not apply at all? This is my first time applying to U.S. med schools and I really need some help. Any input will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!:)


You should definitely apply to Rosalind, Wayne, St. Louis, Jefferson. Get the school selector spreadsheet from SDN, enter your details and that will give you a good idea about where your stats are competetive






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I remember your original message having a list of schools (if this is the right thread). I think you should look-up Michigan again to make sure they still accept Canadians, I believe there was some discussion about this school recently. Also, Indiana is a very long shot since there's only one med program in the whole state, so they don't accept as many out-of-state people as some other schools. Otherwise, you should try and have a good mix of schools (majority of schools with average stats close to yours, and a handful of "reaches") to maximize your chances.


Also, you mentioned some high school activities. Don't include these in your application, I believe AMCAS specifies that you should only list activities you've done during university years and beyond.

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I remember your original message having a list of schools (if this is the right thread). I think you should look-up Michigan again to make sure they still accept Canadians, I believe there was some discussion about this school recently. Also, Indiana is a very long shot since there's only one med program in the whole state, so they don't accept as many out-of-state people as some other schools. Otherwise, you should try and have a good mix of schools (majority of schools with average stats close to yours, and a handful of "reaches") to maximize your chances.


Also, you mentioned some high school activities. Don't include these in your application, I believe AMCAS specifies that you should only list activities you've done during university years and beyond.


Thank you Rach for your suggestions. I checked Michigan state U's website and they still accept Canadians: http://mdadmissions.msu.edu/main/faqs.htm#canadian


I couldn't find where AMCAS says only to list activities during university and beyond. But I guess high school is too far back, so I will not include it in my application.

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