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How does the Calgary formula work?

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In their booklet they have this formula: 62.517Gpa + 6.757BS,MCAT + 12.122VR,MCAT. But in their admission statistics presentation the GPA scores do not go above 50. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here. Can anyone help? I want to compare my application to figure out what to improve.

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Are you IP or OOP? The formula you mention applies to OOP only, to determine who gets a full file review. The top 250 scores using that formula get their transcripts scored again in the full file review, which is the GPA score out of 50.


Oops, should have added that IP applicants get a score out of 50 on their academic record straightaway, no fancy formula required.

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I am OOP. Another question: There are two GPA conversion scales in the guide. The letter grade scale seems to be much more forgiving than the percent scale (the percent scale is horrible: a 3.48 for an 80% is ridiculous!!). Which scale is used if your school has both systems?

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I am OOP. Another question: There are two GPA conversion scales in the guide. The letter grade scale seems to be much more forgiving than the percent scale (the percent scale is horrible: a 3.48 for an 80% is ridiculous!!). Which scale is used if your school has both systems?


I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that they use the percent, but don't quote me on that since I can't find it in the manual anywhere now. Not that it matters too much for me, because the only grade I have that's a percent was the one math class I took from Athabasca about 8 summers ago.

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What's a safe score based on that formula for an OOP to get a full file review?
I remember reading that you needed a score of around 451 or above for an OOP to even be considered for an interview (on the basis of a full file review). But this may have changed in the past year's application cyle.
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I remember reading that you needed a score of around 451 or above for an OOP to even be considered for an interview (on the basis of a full file review). But this may have changed in the past year's application cyle.


I think the cutoff this past cycle was around 452, if that helps.

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