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On the line with Prerequisites

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Hello all,


I was wondering if anybody can help me as I just recently began to stress myself out over the prereqs for various (Ontario mainly) med schools.


Keeping in mind that I come from Waterloo which has a mess of a biology sequence and I'm a math-physics student (meaning fitting in humanities and what not is extremely difficult).


The schools that I'm worried about are:

-UofT (which requires 2 years "Life Sciences" and 1 year Social Sci/Humanities/Languages)

-Ottawa (one year "general bio"/zoology with lab, 1 year soc.sci/humanities, and 2 years chem with lab unless biochem)


First for UofT: I have 1 full year human physio. I have also taken Cellular biology and Genetics (half year each - thats how Waterloo does it). I have also taken intro philosophy, intro psych and social psych.

Now, UofT undergrad program treats psychology as a life science I believe, which would be a problem for me, and rather unusual to treat social psych as anything but a social science...


Ottawa - Well, I haven't taken any bio/chem labs so I know this one is a way off still. But I have taken a year of chem, 1 of organic chem, possibly a year soc.sci/humanities (see UofT) but have no idea what is considered "general biology" as Waterloo has no such thing. First year biology is Cellular bio, zoology and genetics. I hope between cell bio, genetics, human physio I and II this is considered as a years worth (each are half a year).


So, besides the labs for Ottawa which admittedly I would need to take, am I eligible to these two schools? If I'm off by one, particularly for Toronto, I could take it this fall during grad studies no problem but I'd rather focus on an already compressed Masters program =P.


Thank you for any advice =)

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I actually found some links that said U of T counts psych as whatever my school (Waterloo) counts it as. Which isn't totally clear but I'm almost certain since they are "Arts" classes makes it a social science. And they also say Life sciences are anything which focuses on life forms or something like that.


As such I'm feeling pretty good my 4 bio classes should all count and that I'm covered on the social sci side as well. Not confident, but 75% sure ><

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