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MCAT on Thursday... When should I do my last full-length?


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Depends on if you feel like you've done enough practice/feel comfortable with test-taking. More practice probably won't hurt, and do the AAMC ones near your exam date so that those type of questions will be fresh in your mind. I would probably do one 2 days before the mcat, and then rest the day before.


good luck on your exam :)

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When I wrote, I did my last practice test 4 days before the exam, reviewed for a day, then relaxed.....as well as I could, by running etc, watching movies. I was too nervous to do another practice test just before incase my score went down....Words of encouragement here, I did better on the mcat than any of my practice tests.

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I write on Wednesday, and I plan on writing one last one tomorrow.


I certainly understand why people study up until the last minute, but I wouldn't advocate it. With midterms, finals, etc. we all cram; some more than others. I personally can't recall ever studying for more than 2 days at any serious level for a midterm or exam, so I am definitely used to the whole short-term knowledge thing, and can see why people would want to study up until the last possible hours for their MCAT.


The difference is, most of us have been studying for at least a couple months for this test. If there is content you don't know at this point, odds are you're not going to learn it well enough to have it impact your score. If you've already written enough practise tests to plateau at a score, odds are your test-taking endurance, and familiarity with the MCAT are already as good as they're going to get.


All that being said, I think it's best to go into the test well-rested. Staying focused for anything on 5 hours is draining, so better to be rested and relaxed!

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I wrote last Thursday. I also had to travel a bit (40 minutes and across a border) in order to write my test. Instead of travelling the day of, I stayed over in a hotel (still didn't sleep much). I did a full length two days before my test just so I could keep the same routine as usual. The day before the test I reviewed some physics equations and also my writing sample examples. I had a broad list that I found were helpful for most prompts. I do recommend doing something the day before just to keep your brain in MCAT mode.

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