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How do Canadian Medicals Schools judge military applicants?

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I have been looking around for a new trade ever since I discovered through two summers of training that my current job is not what I thought it was going to be... :(


Since I've always loved biology and the human body, I've considered denying commission and going med tech; looking into Military Pharm (I really didn't LOVE orgo) and Physio (military physios have terrible reputations at the bases I've been to). After much deliberation, I think I'm going to give MMTP a shot.


The question is - how do med schools look at military applicants?

I know that Dal and U of Ottawa have supernumerary seats for military applicants but how will the other universities look at us? Would they consider us for med school despite that our marks are slightly lower and we don't have any publications or clinical experience? Or will my file be reviewed like an ordinary applicant?



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w8kg6 is our resident expert attending Dal Med School and no doubt, he can guide you. Do you mean MOTP? I do know it is a competitive program. I don't think publications are an issue, most of us don't have any, indeed, we all don't have research - although demonstrating that we are well rounded citizens is a requirement. I had thought that military applkicants fall under a separate cateory, like aboriginals do, but I never really checked it out.


Welcome to the forum!

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You're probably not going to get an official word on school policies on MMTP applicants, but at most schools you're going to be in the same applicant pool as everyone else. Discussing your military experience in your application will likely get you some good points for teamwork and leadership experience, and will probably improve your pre-interview score. As well, it will probably give you some good discussion points for interviews. However, with the exception of schools that have extra seats reserved for military applicants, you likely won't be considered in a different selection pool anywhere else.


I'm going into my second year as an MOTP and just finished my first half of BMOQ at St-Jean (7 weeks this summer because our school summers are too short to do it all in one go), and so far the program and the military has been very good to us in assisting us through school, I imagine it would be the same for MMTP!

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@ Superking25

Doing BMOQ over too summer is such a waste, I did the IAP-BOTC and there were SO many hours of sitting around.... at least you get paid TD for all that time you're away! :D


Also, does anyone have any clue about when the message for MMTP applicants will be released and whether it will be similar to last years?


I'm just wondering because I don't want to end up spending over a grand applying to med schools everywhere and:

a. not get accepted anywhere

b. getting rejected by the MMTP board because I haven't been trade qualified for 2 years.


If the 2 year MOSID qualified stipulation hasn't changed from last years... would I be better off upgradeing some of my marks and applying later? I heard they had taken one or two people straight out of RMC before... but I'm not sure if the rumours are true.

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The MMTP message should be coming out in the next week.


They have accepted people straight from RMC before, under the MMTP-SI program, but I phoned to ask about it, and heard that it is not being continued this year. That being said, make sure to ask and find out for yourself.


When you apply to schools through MMTP, only those that have supernumerary seats (Ottawa, Dal, and some french schools I believe) will look at you differently. Otherwise, you are in the same applicant pool as everyone else.


If you have any other MMTP questions let me know, I'm currently knee deep in it....

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Thanks guys!


I'm going to make an appointment with the BPSO as soon as I get back from leave and see what they can tell me about the specifics of applying to MMTP this year. It's comforting to know that the message is coming out BEFORE application deadlines this year...(for once...) haha


I'm writing my MCAT tomorrow... wish me luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey larva, you were right. I was just at the PSO's office today and MMTP-SI has indeed been canceled.


Dalhousie, however, is still on the list as a school with supernumerary seats.


I guess I'll just have to wait then, maybe redo some courses in the mean time and try to improve my GPA. Thanks everyone!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Just a note -- Dal's contract with DND has expired. No more MMTP spots out here for now.


Just got off the phone with Dal...they are expecting to have the contract squared away in the near future...LCol Russel confirmed that for me, the intent is to renew the supernumerary seat program for the foreseeable future.

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