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last-minute Opinions on Length of Essay Part 2

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Hey all.

What does everyone think about the length of the essay for Dal?

Are you writing up to the very last few words near 1500?

I feel like I said everything I needed to say but it's near ~1200 words, almost 300 words short from the max. Might be enough to stick in another paragraph or possibly two.

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I would agree with medlor2010.


My essay was just about 1500 words. After being edited by future_doc (which I would recommend), it when down to ~1300 words. All the verbose stuff was stripped and none of the main points were lost from my original essay (KISS rule in effect!). It reads much more cleanly and I'm not looking to use those last 200 words.

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I recommend writing close to 1500 words because in my experience you should have enough stuff to write about that you're difficulty is cutting down the essay rather than finding more stuff to add. That being said don't add filler just to add it. I have seen some very well written, thoughtful essays that were shorter than 1500 words. BUT be careful, if you don't write very much it is noticeable and the reviewer may feel you lack enough experience to write a full essay. I've read essays that were only about 500 words and I can tell you those people definitely lost points.

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