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As distastful as it is...

Guest MayFlower1

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Guest MayFlower1

...no matter how distasteful I find it is...regardless of how much I'm against war in general...this war in particular...I CAN'T SEEM TO STOP WATCHING IT! Is anybody else behaving like this?


Forgetting about the fact that this is a horrible war for a moment...and about all the people who have already died...(as awful as it is to even suggest forgetting about these things)...the only thing that seems to be in "shock and awe" is me...with respect to how desensitized the media and television has enabled me to become. The coverage of the war is so close...so real...it almost seems unreal. I think the media may have gone too far this time...I personally think their coverage is a bit "too close".


Any other opinions and/or experiences?





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Tell me about it. In fact, my parents treat this rather like a movie that they are missing when they are not around! When they are bored, they pop on the TV to see what the breaking news is. I work in a seniors' retirement residence, and they will actually leave the activities I plan for them to go watch CNN!

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Guest aneliz

I totally agree...although I have refused to watch and have not seen any television coverage since George W's speech on Monday night. I have been listening to the radio and skimming Globe and Mail articles.


I am really, really against the war...and it has been a stressful week in my life for other reasons....watching the coverage of Iraq makes me angry....and I really don't want to deal with it so I have been denying its existence and not following it really at all. I think that the media is treating it like entertainment....It seems like the US got bored and wanted to try out all of its expensive war toys....so they picked a victim...and now everybody is watching every last move as entertainment. Disgusting. They do treat it like it's a movie. Its not - people are dying...and for what? The thing that bothers me the most is the fact that every TV network has their own 'logo' and theme music for it...talk about distasteful.


On another note, there was a very interesting talk at UWO this week...entitled "can health professionals help prevent war?" This was part of a new initiative just getting started at UWO called peace through health. If any of you are interested in the background of this iniative check out:





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On this topic, I though I would put something else out there. You know something I have been really amazed by? All of the seniors I have talked to in my place of work (I'm an activity coordinator at a retirement residence) are in support of the war (more specifically, the freedom of Iraqi people), even the ones that I was not expecting to be. These people have lived through and served in one, if not two, huge wars in their life times. It is interesting to find out their perspective on this. I listen to them, the reasons for their support, much more quickly than I listen to alot of other people, pro or anti war, because of these experiences.

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Guest iamsmilingbear

Yes, this is totally distastful, sad and disappointing! The more I watch it, hear it, and read about it, the more I want to keep myself away from it. It's not because they have de-sensitized me, but it's because I don't want to feel so disappointed and saddened by what's happening anymore.

Please, when can we end all these violence and conflicts in the Middle East?

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Guest sally2001


i agree that this war is incredibly horrifying and it is just unbelievable that it is unfolding before our eyes here in 2003. at the same time, i think it's important to stay informed and develop intelligent opinions otherwise all the slogan-shouting and rhetoric won't get us anywhere. i know you all meant well, but turning away from something isn't going to make it go away.....


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Guest Kirsteen

Hey there,


... not everyone's watching it! This marks just one other time when I'm happy that I don't own a TV, let me tell you! From what my classmates are saying, they can't even watch their "regular" shows since a few are cancelled or interrupted with frequent US/Iraq updates. Lend your TVs to someone else for a week or so and see if it helps! :)




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Guest soapyslicer

Hi everyone,


Like most of you I find the war very disturbing. I do however think that by bringing it into our living rooms people have to contend with the fact it is happening. It is not longer just a thing to talk about at the water cooler or something to complain about when you go to fill up your car. I think as a society we like it when we can do something as simply as changing to an all music station or not buying a paper to ignore atrocities that happen else where. I would rather have this REAL tv stuff on than the "condo cams" and "island test you relationship" shows. If people want reality then fine, give it to them. Don't let people like Mr. Bush sugar coat what it really means to be at war. While I am totally opposed to what is happening, my heart still goes out to the families who have loved ones over there. Ignorance is bliss but with coverage we no longer have that excuse do we.



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Guest MayFlower1

Sally, Soapyslicer,


You bring up very good points...I think this is essentially why I am following it so closely. The pictures and video footage show how really barbaric war is. Just as it's easy to say "animals aren't in pain prior to being slaughtered" as one cuts a slice of nice rare roast beef and enjoys it, it's also easy to justify war...or say, "Hussein's regime deserves it"...when most of us are lucky enough (but at the same time somewhat experientially ignorant) never to have had to participate in a war to see the horror first hand.


I saw a picture in the Citizen this morning of two American soldiers standing over a small bunker with two dead Iraqi soldiers in it...one was sort of slumped face first into the corner of the bunker...the other one against the back of it. I felt deeply sickened as I stared this reality of war in the face...and wondered "What if these people were individuals who were close to me...my family...my kids...my friends?"


The feelings I felt as I looked at these realistic pictures (much less dramatic than the typical hollywood death) are the true horrors of war and a reminder that we may not be as evolved as we think.



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