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Employment history?

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Hi Everyone,

I'm filling out the employment record section of my 2010/2011 application. It does not provide space to give a description of the job. The online instructions do not list a description as a requirement, but when I print it out to review it says "briefly describe position held" and then under each job I list it says "none" (indicating I have not given a description). Has anyone else encountered this issue?

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Hmm that's weird.. I have submitted my application already so I can't check but I'm pretty sure there was only space for a short job title so I crammed all the info I could in there. Anything I felt that was very important to my app I included somehow in either the additional detail section or my autobio section where I listed my employment opportunity as a great learning experience for myself... When I printed out the whole app as printable version tho, I noticed a few odd things.. Under Statistical Info for Information Sheet the printout had a question, Are you interested in practicing medicine in rural areas? However, the app didn't even show this, so I was kind of thrown off by that...

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im filling out my application right now.. and i dont have a space to fill out a description either.. but in last year's application i know there was a space.. weird!


did you contact admissions/does anyone know if there is supposed to be a description space this year or not?


any info would be appreciated, thanks!

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