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Q for current 2nd, 3rd yrs or alumni from 1st year

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This is only directed at current 2nd years or higher so to the premeds/applicants reading this, please don't leave snide remarks. But I'm devastated to have failed the course 1 summative. Only by a few marks but I'm so devastated I"m not sure what to do. Yes, there were some adjustment issues and other personal things going on, but that's completely besides the point.


I know the rewrite is in July but besides going over the material now is there anything I can do?? When I do rewrite and pass (I hope...but I"ll make sure), how will this affect my transcript and Carms?


I feel like I"m the only one who failed so I'm so embarrassed and disappointed in myself. Thanks for any advice.

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Hey, I'm in the same year as you so maybe this isn't very helpful, but I got the impression that for each exam there's usually handful of people who fail and that it isn't a big deal in the long run (although I'm sure it really sucks big-time right now), especially if it's your only fail. Maybe someone further along can confirm? I vaguely remember hearing some upper year saying how people are surprised when they show up for rewrites by how many people are there. Keep in mind that the people people talking about how they did are ones who did awesome, but I doubt you're the only one who did poorly.


Also, the pass level isn't set yet, so if you were close, are you sure you failed?

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Some people do fail exams, so please don't worry. You were chosen to be a part of this program because there is something really great about you and don't doubt yourself for a moment. The UME will offer you any help you need and you may want to look into getting into the study buddy program. Don't feel like you have to hide your concerns because your class wants nothing but the best for you. I am a Blobfish and we all look out for each other. If you need to chat PM me and we can get together for lunch or talk to somebody with the Peer Listening Group. Just make sure you talk to somebody and get all your worries out in the air.


Happy Halloween!

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Thanks a lot, guys! It makes me feel a lot better that there's people to talk to. It's just going to be a burden for a while, but I guess it's not the first time I've had to be resilient.






Some people do fail exams, so please don't worry. You were chosen to be a part of this program because there is something really great about you and don't doubt yourself for a moment. The UME will offer you any help you need and you may want to look into getting into the study buddy program. Don't feel like you have to hide your concerns because your class wants nothing but the best for you. I am a Blobfish and we all look out for each other. If you need to chat PM me and we can get together for lunch or talk to somebody with the Peer Listening Group. Just make sure you talk to somebody and get all your worries out in the air.


Happy Halloween!

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All good point so far. While there's nothing much that can be done now if you've failed an exam, there's a couple of things to think about:

1. When is the rewrite period? Is it still in July, with Course IV being considered 2nd-year now? Whenever it ends up being, I think it would be a smart idea to start thinking about how you're going to re-study Course I. If the rewrite is in July, this may mean studying for both Courses I & IV at the same time.

2. Try to learn new study/school/life strategies to help keep you from failing another exam. I think 2 failed courses = repeat the year.

3. Course I is tough because because you're learning the language/process of medicine at the same time. As you go through other courses you will see that (a) there's a lot of overlap, which will come in handy, and (B) Course I is comparatively easy, so it's probably one of the better ones to have to rewrite.

Good luck!

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Hang in there and seek out help! You are definitely not alone, probably not alone in your class and definitely will not be the only one to fail a summative over the year.


You need to be proactive about seeking out help and about changing your study strategies. Set up a meeting with Dr. Jenkins and maybe make an appointment to go over your exam with one of the course chairs so you understand clearly what kind of mistakes you were making - e.g. Was it that you had trouble reading the questions fast enough? Were you missing details? Were you missing whole topics? Was it hard for you to choose the "best/single" clinical approach? Are you having trouble staying focussed in lecture and small group?


Only you know the answers to these questions, but getting help can really clarify them.


PS I am a Blobfish and you are more than welcome to PM me in order to get support in accessing the resources you need. Best of luck to you - stay strong, ask for help and you will do very well. :)

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I am in your class an a new MPL was just posted and it looked like it was 4 points lower than what they said originally. So hopefully you passed! I can only imagine how frustrating it can be, but hang in there! I am sure that committees will understand that students are still getting adjusted in their first course! Seeing as how many people do not have bio backgrounds :)

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Thanks, everyone. Unfortunately, I just scraped below the MPL. I mean JUST SCRAPED. So I guess I will be rewriting the entire exam, peripatetic included. Kind of bummed...I just hope that I don't fail any other course this year and I pass the course 1 exam the second time.


Thanks, everyone.

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